where is the money

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Ответ от Катерина[эксперт]
1) where is the money?
it is on the shelf
2)where are the coins?
it is on the table
3)what colour is jane's hair?
it is black
4)what colour is mrsarmstrong's hair?
it is grey
5)the news are interesting
i didn't know it

Ответ от Veronika reshaeva[новичек]
Все верно кроме предложений 5 и 2
2 where are the coins
They are on the table
5 the news are interesting
i didnt know them

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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можно ли употребить артикль 'the' со словом 'money'?
То, что всё зависит от контекста, Вам уже сказали. Ссылку на Википедию Вам дали неграмотную, потому

1. Great Britain consists of … parts. ( the three; three; a three) 2. It is washed by the waters of …
1 four parts
2 the Atlantic Ocean:( an Atlantic Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; the Atlantic Ocean)подробнее...
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