where is the russian federation situated

Автор Елена Андреевна задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Salavata[гуру]
1. Yeah.
2. On the Earth.
3. Dunno. See Wikipedia.
4. Arctic and Pacific.
5. Dunno. See the map.
6. Yeah.
7. Elbrus, I think.
8. For its depth.
9. Like that of Canada.
10. Oil.
11. Bear.
12. Of deputies.
13. Dunno.
14. See No.4.
15. Bear and Matreshka.
16. Caspian
17. Itil and Yenisei
18. See the map.
19. See the map.
20. Moscow?

Ответ от Їатлан Пацаков[гуру]
Вас, простите, на Гугле забанили? И на Википедии впридачу?

Ответ от Анна Цибульская[новичек]
4.The Russian Federation is washed by 12 seas of three oceans: the Arc the Atlantic and the Pacific.
5.In the south and in the west the country borders on fourteen countries. It also has a sea-border with the USA.
6.There are no countries in the world where such a great variety of flora and fauna can be found as in our land. Our country has numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts.
7.The highest mountains in our land are the Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus.
8.Our land is also rich in lakes with the deepest lake in the world, the Baikal, included.
9The climate conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to continental and subtropical.
8.The national symbols of the Russian Federation are a white-blue-red banner and a double-headed eagle.
11The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Council of Federation (upper Chamber) and the State Duma (lower Chamber).
12. Each chamber is headed by the Speaker. The ex power belongs to the government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and federal courts. Our country has a multiparty system.

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