whose is this bag

Автор ЖУКА задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Марина Цикунова[гуру]
Peter's sisster is a doctor
Do you know Anna's friends?
Whose it is writing-books
These are writing-books of our students
The sister your's friend well speaks in German?
A room your's friend is greater?
How call your son? What is your son's name?
Whose is a bag? It is a bag of our teacher?
Whose friend lives in Moscow? It Is Nikolay's friend
думаю так

Ответ от Александра[гуру]
1. Peter's sister - the doctor. 2. You know friends анны? 3. Whose it is writing-books? These are writing-books of our students? 4. Sister of your friend well speaks in German? 5. A room of your friend the big? 6. How call your son? 7. Whose is a bag? It is a bag of our teacher? 8. Whose friend lives in москве? The friend николая.

Ответ от Vera[гуру]
Whose are these copybooks?
Are they our`s students copybooks?
Is sister of yours friend speak German well?
Is a room yours friend big?
What is name yours son?
Whose is this bag?
Is this ours teacher bag?
Whose is friend live in Moscow?Is he Nikolay`s friend?

Ответ от Ласточка[гуру]
Peter's sister is a doctor.
Do you know Anna's friends?
Whose notebooks are these? Are they ours students notebooks?
Does your friend's sister speak German well?
Is your friend's room big?
What is your son's name?
Whose bag is it? Is it our teacher's bag?
Whose friend does live in Moscow? Nikolay's friend lives in Moscow.

Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
1. сестра Петра - врач. - Peter's sister is a doctor.
2. вы знаете друзей анны? - Do you know Ann's friends?
3. чьи это тетради? - Whose notebooks (exercise-books) are these? - это тетради наших студентов? - Are these our students' notebooks (exercise-books)?
4. сестра вашего друга хорошо говорит по-немецки? - Does your friend's sister speak German well?
5. комната вашего друга большая? - Is your friend's room large?
6. как зовут вашего сына? - What is your son's name?
7. чья это сумка? - Whose bag is this? - это сумка нашего учителя? - Is this our teacher's bag?
8. чей друг живет в москве? друг николая. - Whose friend does live in Moscow? - Nikolay's friend does.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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