wilt chamberlain

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Ответ от Avril Ramona Lavigne[гуру]
Очень много, но я попробую - не без помощи переводчика)
Wilt Chamberlain was born on August 21, 1936 in Philadelphia (USA) in a large family. Wilt was very sports child – perfectly ran, jumped in length and height. When he was 10 his growth made more than 180 cm. In school basketball (his growth was already 2.10) he was uncontrollable, and by the time of leaving school, 200 universities fought for him.
Having visited university of Kansas and having got acquainted with the trainer Fogom Allen, Wilt made the decision to study in Lawrence. In NCAA it was sponsored personally by 2-3 players, and sometimes more. Nevertheless, in two years in Kansas Chamberlain gathered on the average 29,9 points and 18,3 selections for game. Without having graduated from college, Wilt couldn't begin career in NBA, and he signed the annual contract with Haarlem Gloubtrotters. With them Chamberlain managed to visit and Moscow.
On October 24, 1959 Chamberlain debuted in NBA for "Philadelphia Uorriors". In the first season of Ulit he beat a set of records, gathering on the average for game of 37,6 points and making 27 selections. Besides, he was recognized as the best player of NBA and, respectively, the best beginner of league.
7 years in a row Wilt Chamberlain became the most productive player of NBA, and in the third season in NBA gathered record number of points – 4029 (more than 50 points on the average for game! ) . In the same season 1961/62, on March 2, in a match against "New York Niks" which ended with the score 169:147, Wilt forever became history, having gathered 100 points in one game. Besides, on November 24, 1960 Chamberlain made a record of all times by number of selections – 55, in a match against "Seltiks". Despite all individual feats of the superstar, "Seltiks" left filadelfiyets without command trophies. And the most usefull player more often called Bill Rassell.
In 1965 because of financial problems of "Uorriors" were compelled to sell Chamberlain. As a part of other Philadelphian club Wilt managed to become the champion of NBA, however after trainer Alex Hannam left club, Chamberlain asked an exchange.
In 1972 Chamberlain's new club, "Los Angeles Leykers", reached the NBA ending which passed in persistent fight about "New York Niks". Wilt even came to the fifth match with the broken hand. He refused pricks, being afraid that throw accuracy will go down. As a result "Leykers" surely won 114:100 and for the first time in the history of steel champions of NBA, and Chamberlain was recognized as the most useful player of the ending.
Penal throws were the only weak aspect of game of Chamberlain. Wilt is present at all ratings of great basketball players, and his rivalry with Bill Rassell is considered one of the best for all history of game.

Ответ от Анастасия Анохина[новичек]
Wilt Chamberlain was born on August 21, 1936 in Philadelphia (USA) in a large family. Wilt was a very athletic kid - well ran, jumped in length and height. At 10 years, his height was greater than 180 cm in the school's basketball (his height was already

Ответ от Анна Джокер[мастер]
Wilt Chamberlain was born on August 21, 1936 in Philadelphia (USA) in a large family. Wilt was a very athletic kid - well ran, jumped in length and height. At 10 years, his height was greater than 180 cm in the school's basketball (his height was already

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