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Ответ от Sha[гуру]
Thank you, thank you for your work, for your music. I am very happy that you came to Russia. I could not even dream, that you would ever come. And realize that I can see you, hear this voice and this game, really happy. I love you, love for what you are doing. Why you so brilliant? I admire you. Awesome songs, lyrics, great vocals, great musicians playing. breathtaking live performances. I voshoschayus them. I'm proud that it is your great team is my idols group, whose kind heart open for your the fans. "idols do not condemn, worship idols!". And I certainly also adore their idols, you, dear Dir en Gray! For your personality, you can say a brilliant and insightful music. A year ago, you, Dir en Gray, were able to exactly understand the personality and my nature. open your songs transferring all of your feelings, helped me find myself. I want that to all your fans are not just listening to your music, but also understand how much it is deep, your writing, and the meaning of your songs. Dear members of the band You are my idol! "You are geniuses. Best. breathtaking people worthy of admiration. There are so talented and on the very open, open heart for all his fans.
Kyo: your voice .. Your deep voice, he is unique. Such no one else. Only you have such a "divine" voice. it penetrates into the heart .. Deep in my heart .. like the rest of you. Do you have a great voice. You sing beautifully. What feeling do you put in your songs .. the feeling with which you sing .. perfect! Many thanks for your texts. For your excellent lyrics, and for what you are so awesome they are carrying.
Shiny: The man has a breathtaking smile. You have amazing smiles .. It penetrates the heart .. like the voice .. as well as all you do. You are a genius. Breathtaking man. What a beautiful .. I just can not find the words. You simply incomparable. Your opinion. Your lips. You are a man masterpiece. For me the best Drummer. Ideal. This beautiful. This is beautiful. You play divinely .. The genius of shock! Thank you for your a meaningful and irreplaceable role in the group. Thank you for your talent.
Toshiya: Chic bassist. You are the example for me all the bass. The group generally very surprised me when I first heard it. But a bass worthy of a separate voshoscheniya. I am madly in love how you behave on stage. It is always a separate show. All bass bassist. Toshiya is not only good on stage and in video clips, and very handsome, but still does not give us (the fans) get bored, periodically changing the image of =) I love you just because you are, and what you have in Dir en Gray . I can not imagine a group with another bassist. Breathtaking, stunning, blestatelny bassist. You are the best.
Kaoru: Your taste in music is very fun to have something with your tattoos =) very talented man. A wonderful leader.
Dai: I love your style of play and movement on stage. I love to watch you on the statement. We see that you post for the full, and very trying. Such individuality .. You are at no similarity. Dai-is Dai. There are no more. Thank you for your talent, and as a significant skill for the game group.
I admire, deeply respect and love you ..
in Russia a lot of your fans. Come again. We are waiting for you always. We are waiting for you again.
I hope that after the concert we will be able to communicate with you.
I know that the concert will be amazing. I very much waiting for him.
Thank you, very many thanks.
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