Автор Кристина задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания
Помогите пожалуйста написать небольшое сочинение по английскому языку на тему "Страшная история".Проще говоря страшилку. и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Ирина Шамбора[гуру]
может быть вам подойдет эта страшилка, но она с юмором . A frightful night. One dark night a young man was going home from the railway station.It was very late and there were very few people in the streets. The young man was very nervous because he had never returned home so late. Suddenly he felt that somebody was following ршьюЕру young man thought it was a robber and decided to walk as quickly as he could. When he looked back he saw that the man was still following ршьюЕру young man turned into another street.The man turned into another street too.Now the young man was quite sure that the man was a robber. The young man turned round and asked:"What do you want?Why are you following me?" " I am going to see Mr.Brown ",said the man ," and the porter at the station told me : \' If you follow this young man, you will find his house easily, he lives next door to Mr. Brown \'".