Корея по английски
Автор Алина Ишкинина задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания
нужен реферат на английском языке про Корею (желательно южную) и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от ОЛЬГА ХАЛИМОВА[гуру]
South Korea Essay, Research Paper
South Korea is officially known as Taehan Min?guk (Republic of Korea). This
country is in northeastern Asia and occupies the southern part of the Korean
Peninsula. South Korea is bounded on the north by North Korea; on the east by
the East Sea (Sea of Japan); on the south bye the Korea Strait, which also
separates it from Japan; and on the west by the Yellow Sea. It has a total area
of 38,328 square miles, including many offshore islands in the south and west,
and the largest is Cheju. The state of South Korea was established in 1948
succeeding the post-World War II distribution of the penisula between the
occupying forces of the United States in the south and the Union of Soviet
Republics (USSR) in the north. The capital of South Korea is Seoul which is also
the largest city. The current version of the South Korean flag was adopted in
1984, but the basic design has been used since the country?s founding is 1948.
The Buddhist yin-yang symbol represents the unity of opposites, and the white
background represents purity. The black markings symbolize three cycles, with
opposites in each cycle opposing one another(reading clockwise from the upper
left): summer, autumn, winter, spring, south, west, north, east, sky, moon,
earth, and sun. South Korea is mainly a rugged, mountainous terrain. The
principal range is the T?aebaek-sanmaek, which extends in a north-south
direction parallel to the eastern coast. The country?s highest peak, located
on the island of Cheju, is Halla-san. Plains constitute less than one-fifth the
total area and are mostly in the west along the coast the coastal plains in the
east and south are very narrow. South Korea has a highly indented coastline
characterized by high tidal ranges, the country?s tow longest rivers, the
Naktong and Han, rise in the T?aebaek-sanmaek, one flowing south to the Korea
Strait and the other northwest to the Yellow sea. Other major rivers include the
Kom, Yengsan, and Tongjin. South Korea has a continental climate, with cold, dry
winters and hot, rainy summers. In Seoul the average January temperature range
is 16 to 30 degrees F, and the average July temperature range is 70 to 84
degrees F. Winter temperatures are higher along the southern coast and
considerably lower in the mountainous interior.
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