помощь в переводе с английского на русский

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нужна помощь в переводе с английского на русский и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Aizhan Aldabergenova[гуру]
I have some friends. But I want to tell about one of them. His name is Andrey. We have been friends for more than 4 years. He lives with me in one house. We always go for a walk together, we discuss school problems. Though he has passed from my stream into a military college, we still share our impressions with each other. He wants to finish the cadet school and to become a military man. Though it says that the friendship is checked by time, I know one thing about this person - he will never let me down.
Aizhan Aldabergenova
У меня немного друзей. Но про одного из них стоит рассказать. Его зовут Андрей. Мы знакомы с ним уже более 4 лет. Он живет со мной в одном доме. Мы всегда гуляем с ним вместе, обсуждаем школьные проблемы. Хоть он и перешёл из моего параллельного класса в военное училище, все равно мы делимся впечатлениями. У него в планах закончить кадетское училище и стать на военным. Хоть и говорят, что дружба проверяется временем, я знаю одно про этого человека - он никогда меня не подведет.
Восновном, грамматические. Исправила.

Ответ от SчасLiv4ik[мастер]
У мене не багато друзів. Але про одного з них, варто розповісти. Його звуть Андрій. Ми знайомі з ним вже більше 4 років. Він живе сомной в одному будинку.. Ми завжди гуляємо з ним разом, обсмуждаєм шкільні проблеми. Хоч він і перейшов з мого паролельного класу у військове училище, всеравно ми ділимося впечатленіям. у його в планах закінчить кадетське училище і стати на дорогу військового. Хоч і говорять, що дружба перевіряється часом, я знаю одне про цього людина-він ніколи мене не подвідет

Ответ от Liza Lazy[мастер]
нужна помощь в переводе с английского на русский
ДА? Но текст уже на русском.

Ответ от Альфия Галина[новичек]
Мм, вот разговорный вариант - если отвечать устно.
Well, I have only a few friends, but it's worth saying about one of them (but I'd like to tell about one of them). His name is Andrew. I have already known him for 4 years. He lives with me in one house. We always go for a walk together and discuss our problems, for example, about school.
А остальное слишком хорошо у Айжан, мне нечего, в общем-то добавить.

Ответ от татьяна чудакова[активный]
Помогите пожалуйста с переводом
Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under
five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. Both types of pro-primary educational
establishments are non-state; the difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school,
while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main aim of such kind of
establishments is to make the children ready for primary schools. Children play, draw, model things
from clay and learn to work together.
Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There are 35,000 state schools
in Britain. All of them are the responsibility of the Local Educational Authorities (LEA). They employ
teachers and other staff, provide and maintain buildings, supply equipment and materials, provide
grants to students proceeding to further and higher education.
Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At first the studies are more like playing than
working; English teachers say that this is the best way for children to get used to school. Probably they
are right; children learn better when they play. Lessons usually last from nine in the morning till four or
five in the afternoon with a long break at the lunchtime.
At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive schools. Children usually wear a uniform; it is
different in different schools. They study Maths, English, Arts, English Literature, Geography, one or two
foreign languages, usually French, Italian or German, PE (Physical Education), IT (Information
Technology), Religion, Science, Biology, Sex Education and other subjects.
At the end of their studies they take General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations
(GCSE) 0-level, and then they either leave school and start working or continue their studies at school or
at college for two more years. This is called the sixth form at school or the sixth form college, and the
students take only the subjects they need for entering the university of their choice.
At the age of eighteen they take GCSE A-level. They usually take three or four A-levels. There
are no entrance exams to universities, so the students can enter a university or a college on the results
of their A-level examinations.
Speaking about education in the UK it is necessary to say that there is a great difference
between state education and private education. State schools are free, and about ninety per cent of all
children attend them. Private, or public schools are very expensive. These are usually boarding schools,
where children stay while they study, coming home only on vacations. These schools are for children
between thirteen and eighteen. Before entering a public school children are usually educated at home.
State schools are usually mixed, while private schools are typically single-sex, with a few exceptions.

Ответ от Анжела[новичек]
Помогите, пожалуйста перевести. Получается не связанный текст.
The Barogue rapidly developed into two separate forms: the strongly Roman Catholic countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Flanders, Bjhemia, southern Germany, Austria, and Poland) tended tovard freer and more active architectural forms and surfaces; in Protestant regions ( England, the Netherlands and the remainder of northern Europe) architecture was more restrained and deveioped a sober guiet monumentality impressive in its refinement. In the Protestant countries and France, which sought the spirit through the mind, architecture was more geometric, formal, and precise- an appeal to the intellect.
Hardouin-Mansarts Dome des Invalides, Paris (1675), is generally agreed to be the finest church of the last half of the 17 th century in France. The correctness and precision of its form, the harmony and balance of its spaces, and the soaring vigour of its dome make it a landmark not only of the Paris skyline but also of European Barogue architecture.
Other greatest works of this style are the church of Santa Susanna (Maderno, 1597), Versailles ( Le Vau), National Palace in Madrid ( Sacchelti, 1736), Royal Palace at Caserta (Vanvitelli, 1752).
In Rassia the Barogue was created by Bartolomeo Rastrelli. His father, famous sculptor Carlo Rastrelli was invited to Russia by Peter the Great. His sixteen-year-old son had no professional training when he came to Russia. He learned at the construction sites of St. Petersburg masters and became an architect of world reknown, the designer of many magnificent palaces and churches in the Russian capital.
The Winter Palace executed in the fine taste and on a gigantic scale is Rasrellis masterpiece. Rastrelli himself made the drwings and plans of the palace, designed the ornamentation patterns for window platbands, carvings, sculptures, lattices, parguetry, interiors and furniture. The palace building is nearly two kilometres long in perimeter. Originally it had 1,050 chambers, 117 staircases, 1886 doors and 1,945 windows.
The project was started in the reign of Elizabeth, Peter the Greats daughter who was fond of the Barogue, so the Winter Palace is lavishly adorned with columns, stucco window platbands and sculptures over the roof cornice.

Ответ от Настя болотова[новичек]
Нужна помощь в переводе. I was enjoying watching him squirm under my feistiness.
If this is what they would have been raised with as a father, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I did what I thought was best. I hissed when his palm knocked my face sideways, the thread that had been holding his need to instill pain at bay finally snapping. The sting made my ears ring and I dabbed at my lip, wiping the blood away.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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