8 o clock

Автор Исмаил Тураев задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Melisa[эксперт]
2- He does not usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock. Does he usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock? 3. The lecture does not start at 10.15. Does the lecture start at 10.15? 4. The flowers do not look fresh. Do the flowers look fresh? 5.She does not usually WALK in the morning. Does she usually WALK in the morning? 6. He does not have coffee in the evening. Does he have coffee in the evening? 7. She does not remember them well. Does she remeber them well? 8. He does not play chess very well. Does he play chess very well? 9. She does not leave home at o\'clock every day. Does she leave home at o\'clock every day? 10. Ann does not miss you badly. Does Ann miss you badly? 11. They do not feel very cold. Do they feel very cold? 12. Tom does not look sick. Does Tom look sick? 13. They do not harvest grapes in March. Do they harvest grapes in March? 14. The last boat does not sail at 10 p.m. Does the last boat sail at 10 p.m.? 15. That train does not go very fast. Does that train go very fast?

Ответ от Дарья Паршукова[новичек]
помогите с английским, заранее спасибоI. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме:1. My sister understands the rule.2. The flowers look fresh.3. We play chess quite well.4. The last boat sails at 10 p.m.<br

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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