agree or disagree

Agree or disagree перевод

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Do you agree or disagree with it? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Nattie doe[гуру]
Strongly agree. There are people who attend universities and colleges and get degrees, but all they have is a diploma, not necessarily the education to back it up. Tons of students do not learn much while at the university, whether by their own choice, the negligence of their professors, or due to the flaws in the system of education. Our higher education is predominantly theoretical, so a lot of it is not applicable to specific life situations.
On the other hand, if a person is really seeking knowledge and the right to call him/herself educated, the desire to obtain the knowledge would make all the difference. Self-education can be extremely effective, as well as hands-on experience, and some of the most educated people I have ever met were constantly working on educating themselves and thus achieved their admirable level of knowledge.
Now if you mean education not as in "formal education" but as in "manners," that would be a totally different story.

Ответ от Евгений Фасхутдинов[гуру]
it depends on many things

Ответ от Псевдоним[гуру]
school or colledge can do A LOT in this respect...
they can either spoil a developing human being or give it a good start...
pity that most of the times they spoil people, although their task is quite the contrary...

Ответ от Maxat will be millionaire[гуру]
Do you see difference between study at Harvard University and Mumba Yumba Uinveristy? The excellent Univeristy with good reputation provides intellectual society, technical facilities, books of world known professors and internship in the TNC.

Ответ от Princess[новичек]
I'm disagree.School and college can learn peoples to other important things.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Do you agree or disagree with it?
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Помогите плиз!!! По английскому языку!! Agree or disagree

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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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Agree or disagre with the statement.
и что вы хотели по данному

В чем разница между "agree to" и "agree with"? (англ.яз.)
Правильно, Согласно с кем-то и согласна сделать это, только не agree to doing smth, а agree to do

как читаются слова по английски???
первое слово не правильно написано вами. либо cities (сИтиз) , либо sites (сАйтс)
arranged -

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