анна ит

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Ответ от Sandra[гуру]
Anna lives in London since 1985. It works in bank. It works there 3 years. Bill always wished to visit Brighton. He has read many books about this resort. The family браунов yet has not built the new house. What is the time they build it? They build it 4 years. I you the whole eternity did not see. Where you were? Where you hid? I write the book about the travel. I write it 1,5 months, therefore I live in the country since May. How for a long time you know Williams? I know it 3 years. At me these hours 5 years. To me they were bought by the daddy in St.-Petersburg. They have not stopped yet.

Ответ от Ksenij@[новичек]
Anna it lives in London since 1985. It works in the bank. It works there 3 years. Bill he always wanted to visit brighton. It read many books about this health resort. The family of Browns yet did not build its new house. How long they it do build? They build it already 4 years. I you whole eternity did not see. Where you were? Where you did hide? I write the book about my journeys. I write its 1,5 months; therefore I live on the dacha since May. How long ago you do know Williams? I know his 3 years. I have these hours of 5 years. To me them purchased dad in Saint Petersburg. They yet did not stop.

Ответ от Анюта Ua[новичек]
Anna it lives in London since 1985. It works in the bank. It works there 3 years. Bill he always wanted to visit brighton. It read many books about this health resort. The family of Browns yet did not build its new house. How long they it do build? They build it already 4 years. I you whole eternity did not see. Where you were? Where you did hide? I write the book about my journeys. I write its 1,5 months; therefore I live on the dacha since May. How long ago you do know Williams? I know his 3 year].I know him of 5 years. To me them purchased dad in the the Saint -[Peterburge].They yet they did not stop.

Ответ от Ѝлла Кацнельбоген[гуру]
Ann has lived in London since 1985. She works in a bank. She's been working there for three years. Bill has always wanted to visit Brighton. He's read a lot of books about this spa (resort). The Browns haven't built their new house yet. How long have they been building it? They've been building it for four years already. I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been? Where have you been hiding? I'm writing a book about my journeys. I've been writing it for a month and a half that's why i've been living in the country house since May. How long have you known Williams? I've known him for three years. I have had this watch for five years. My daddy bought it for me in St. Petersburg. It hasn't stopped yet.

Ответ от Пользователь удален[активный]
Anna has lived in London since 1985.She works in a bank. She`s been working there for 3 years.Bill has always wanted to visit Briton.He`s read many books about that resort .Browns haven`t built their new house yet.How long have they been doing it?They have been building it for4 years already.I didn`t see you for ages.Where were you?were did you hide yourself?I`m writing a book about my adventures.I`ve been writing it for 1.5 months, that`s why I`ve been living in my country house since May.
Остальное - сама:)

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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что означает имя Анна
А́нна (Ганна) — русская версия библейского имени Ханна (ивр. חנה‎), в
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чем закончился фильм я легенда? я смотрел только не помню с того момента как мертвецы вот-вот разобьют стекло
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Венера (лат. venus, род. п. veneris «любовь» ) в римской
спросили в Нойс
Помогите плиз напишите буквы на русском ( например: дую лайк и т. д)
Бен: ду ю лайк зе зоо, Ен
Ен: ес, ай ду ит ис грейт ват иы зет енимал овер зер
бен вич
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот еще темы с похожими вопросами:
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«Әни» диеп язып куйдым
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