average height перевод

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Ответ от
Appearance Nikoli Kidman ideal. She is an average height by growing. Beside it blond long изогнутые hairs. Beside it oval person with greater beautiful blue eye. She has a small nose of the ideal form and beautiful lips. Beside it very light colour of the skin. Even when she does not use the make-up she very beautiful. Nikoli very popular actress. She left in знаменитых film "Sorceress" , "переводчица", "other" and many others. She often plays the main dug.

Ответ от Акося[новичек]
Appearance Nicole Kidman ideal. It of average height growth. At it the blond long bent hair. At it the oval person with the big beautiful blue eyes. It has a small nose of the ideal form and beautiful lips. At it very light colour of a skin. Even when it does not use cosmetics it very beautiful. Nicole very popular actress. She acted in film in the well-known films "Sorcerer", "translator", "others" and many other things. She often plays leading roles.

Ответ от LaDy Di[гуру]
Appearance Nikoli Kidman ideal. She is an average height by growing. Beside it blond long hairs. Beside it oval person with greater beautiful blue eye. She has a small nose of the ideal form and beautiful lips. Beside it very light colour of the skin. Even when she does not use the make-up she very beautiful. Nikoli very popular actress. She left in famous film "Sorceress" , "Translator", "other" and many others. She often plays main dug

Ответ от Игорь[новичек]
Appearance Nicole Kidman ideal. It of average height growth. At it the blond long bent hair. At it the oval person with the big beautiful blue eyes. It has a small nose of the ideal form and beautiful lips. At it very light colour of a skin. Even when it does not use cosmetics it very beautiful. Nicole very popular actress. She acted in film in the well-known films "Sorcerer", "translator", "others" and many other things. She often plays leading roles

Ответ от Воздух[гуру]
The appearance of Nikole Kidmad is ideal. She is middle-height woman. She has long, curly, fair hair. Her face is oval and her eyes are big, blue and beautiful. She has smal nose of ideal shape and nice lips. She is pale. She is beautivul even when she doesn't use make-up. Nicole is a popular actress. She acted in famous films as "Sorceress" , "Translator", "other" and many others. She often plays main roles.
PS: без переводчика.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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