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Polar bear in danger Now there are 20-25 thousand species of polar bears. Already by 2050 the population of this species could be reduced by 2 / 3. The reduction in the number of polar bears is related to the following factors: Poaching. Extraction of polar bears in the Russian Arctic is prohibited by law since 1956 In 1973 the countries of the Arctic Basin Agreement on the Conservation of polar bears, which, after its ratification and entry into force (1976) became an international legal basis for the conservation, study and use of species . However, the price animal skins and other trophies of its production at «black market» is very high. WWF Russia fully supports Article 7 of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the USA from October 16, 2000 «to conservation and utilization CHUUKESE-POPULATION ALYASKINSKOY polar bear» which states that «None of the provisions of this Agreement does not give the right to extract polar bears for commercial purposes ». Global warming. According to scientists, the area of the Arctic ice cover has decreased in recent years by 25%. However, WWF experts believe that this is a very cautious and overly optimistic assessment, in fact, the glaciers are melting much faster. According to the U.S. Geological Survey Bureau, the area of Arctic glaciers, which are the natural habitat of polar bears, could be reduced in the next decade by 42%. Pollution of the Arctic environment. Sea and coastal ecosystems are polluted by pesticides, radionuclides, the products of combustion of fuel, heavy metals, oil and lubricants, oil, etc. Polar bear - long-lived predator, so his body is experiencing the impact of high concentrations of many toxic substances of human nature.
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The polar bear in danger Now in the world is totaled 20-25 thousand individuals of polar bears. By 2050 the population of this kind can already be reduced on 2/3. Reduction of number of polar bears is connected with following factors: Браконьерская hunting. Extraction of polar bears in the Russian Arctic regions is forbidden legislatively with 1956 In 1973 the countries of the Arctic pool is entered into the Agreement on preservation of polar bears, which after its ratification and coming into force (1976) There were the international legal basis for protection, studying and uses of a kind. However the price of a skin of an animal and other trophies of its extraction on? The black market? It is very high. WWF Russia completely supports clause 7 of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the USA from October, 16th, 2000? About PRESERVATION And USE ЧУКОТСКО-АЛЯСКИНСКОЙ of the POPULATION of the POLAR BEAR? Which says, what? Any of positions of the present Agreement does not give the right to extraction of polar bears in commercial objectives?. Global warming. According to scientists, the area of an ice cover of Arctic regions was reduced last years on 25. However experts WWF consider, that it is very cautious and unduly optimistical estimations, actually thawing of glaciers goes much more quickly. According to the Geological bureau of the USA, the area of the Arctic glaciers, polar bears being by a natural area, can be reduced the nearest decades on 42. Pollution of the Arctic environment. Sea water area and coastal экосистемы pesticides, радионуклиды pollute, products of combustion of fuel, heavy metals, combustive-lubricating materials, oil, etc. the Polar bear - a long-living predator, therefore its organism tests influence of high concentration of many toxic substances of anthropogenous character.
Что вы знаете о медвежонке по кличке Кнут ?
Медвежонок родился 5 декабря 2006 года в Берлинском зоопарке. Со дня своего рождения полярный мишка
К чему снится добрый ласковый медведь в доме.. я его кормила практически с рук?
Медведь — символизирует побеждающую силу женской природы, а также импульсивные устремления.
В ночь на сегодня приснился сначала спящий медведь, а потом 2 волка, от которых я пытаюсь спастись на дереве. чему это?
Волк — воплощает страх кого-то или чего-то. Иногда отражает жадность, озлобленность самого
почему в Африке нет медведей?
Любому мало-мальски знакомому с зоологией читателю вопрос этот может показаться странным.
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Выборочный список:
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