Автор Lieght задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
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Ответ от Ильдар Искандаров[гуру]
In the 70s of the XX century they began to place the exhibit in this building, too. It had been built in 1904 for Babintsev, the manager of “Churin & Co” trading house. On the second floor there were a hairdressing salon; some shops and refreshment rooms. On the third floor there were a bank subsidiary, and the Babintsev’s apartments took the fourth floor.
Our museum was named after Arseniev, an outstanding scientist. He was the first traveler to explore the territory of our region. Later he wrote over 40 research papers about the life of the peoples, who live in this area and their customs and traditions.
In the room we'll speak about how the territory of the Far East was opened. The Russian people moved eastwards, the basis of the policy being peaceful co-existence with the tribes of these areas. The Russians taught the people some useful arts, developed the trade and were involved in farming.
The Primorye is a mountainous region, the most part of it being mountains. The special feature of the nature is the combination of northern and southern vegetation and a great variety of animals. When descending a mountain, one can see the nature change. Here are the smallest deer, and in the next room there are the hugest ones.
The brown bear is a huge animal, weighing 500 or 600 kg and as strong as the tiger. According to the 2008 statistics, there are about 300 species of tigers in the territory of the Premorye. The leopard is the fastest animal, its speed coming to 15 meters per second. There are about 30 species remaining.
Не машинный перевод!Ильдар Искандаров
У них (англичан и американцев) первый этаж - это цокольный этаж (ground floor). А второй - это first floor. Я всё-таки 5 лет изучаля все это на профессиональном уровне. Хотя....не вижу смысла пытаться убедить человека...Ему проще сказать: "Давайте останемся при своем мнении!"
In the 70s of the XX century they began to place the exhibit in this building, too. It had been built in 1904 for Babintsev, the manager of “Churin & Co” trading house. On the second floor there were a hairdressing salon; some shops and refreshment rooms. On the third floor there were a bank subsidiary, and the Babintsev’s apartments took the fourth floor.
Our museum was named after Arseniev, an outstanding scientist. He was the first traveler to explore the territory of our region. Later he wrote over 40 research papers about the life of the peoples, who live in this area and their customs and traditions.
In the room we'll speak about how the territory of the Far East was opened. The Russian people moved eastwards, the basis of the policy being peaceful co-existence with the tribes of these areas. The Russians taught the people some useful arts, developed the trade and were involved in farming.
The Primorye is a mountainous region, the most part of it being mountains. The special feature of the nature is the combination of northern and southern vegetation and a great variety of animals. When descending a mountain, one can see the nature change. Here are the smallest deer, and in the next room there are the hugest ones.
The brown bear is a huge animal, weighing 500 or 600 kg and as strong as the tiger. According to the 2008 statistics, there are about 300 species of tigers in the territory of the Premorye. The leopard is the fastest animal, its speed coming to 15 meters per second. There are about 30 species remaining.
Работников музея, вместе с учредителями музея (возможно муниципалитет) пилящих буказоиды ( пиар, недвижимость сбагрить в фонд и др. варианты) - отправить на заимку собирать шишки - хватит на оплату переводчику.
Для музея арсеньева здание чурина не катит явно.
В 70th years XX of a century exhibits began to have and in this building; it has been constructed in 1904 for Бабинцева, the manager (managing director) of trading firm « Чурин and To ». On a ground floor of a building there was a hairdressing salon, shops, snackbars. On the second floor - branch of bank, and on the third - apartments Бабинцева.
Our museum carries Arsenyev's name (named by?), the known researcher and the scientist. It the first of travellers has passed on territory of our edge. Later it has written more than 40 scientific works on lives of the people living here, their traditions and customs.
In this hall we speak about development of territory of the Far East. Russian went on the east, a basis their politicians - peaceful co-existence (a peace life?) with tribes and people of these territories. Russian trained in crafts, developed trade, were engaged in an agriculture. People kept the culture, traditions.
Primorye Territory - highland, the most part - mountains. Feature of the nature - a combination of northern plants, plants of subtropics (south) and is a lot of (variety) of animals. When we go down from mountains, the nature around varies also. The smallest deers, and in the next hall - the largest here settle down.
Brown bear - a large animal, 500 - 600 kg, same strong, as a tiger. Tigers in territory of Primorye Territory - nearby 300 according to 2008. The leopard - the fastest animal, for a second can jump on 15 meters. Leopards remains nearby 30.
Переводить не буду, просто устала. Но советую проигнорировать " переводы" Кузякина и Кузнецова. Гарантированно машинные переводы. С точки зрения грамматики- абсолютно безграмотны. Воспользуйся двуми предоставленными переводами- Искандарова ( у человека приличное образование и солидная языковая практика) и написавшего под псевдонимом Джин Рейна, который перевёл, чтобы" не заржавели мозги"- ему это не грозит.. . Они оба просты и доходчиво грамотно написаны во всех отношениях. Извини, что не предлагаю свой Вариант. Наговорилась сегодня на англтийском так, что осипла и физически, и душевно. Буду рада, если воспольуешься моими советами бывалого лингвиста....
In the 70s of the XXth century the museum pieces were exhibited in the new building which had been built in 1904 specially for the manager of the trade company "Churin and Co." Bibintsev. There were a hairdresser's, several shops and some snack bars on the ground floor. (или first floor для амер английского) . A bank branch and Bibintsev's apartments were situated on the upper floors.
Our museum is named after a famous researcher and scientist Arseniev. He was the first to cross the lands of our region. Later he wrote more than 40 academic papers about the life of the local people, their customs and traditions.
In this exhibition hall we speak about the development of the territory of the Far East. The way of the Russians went in eastern direction. The basis of their policy was peaceful coexistence with the tribes and peoples of these territories. The Russians were teaching them crafts, developing trade, and farming. The nations were able to conserve their culture, their traditions.
Primorsky krai is a mountainous country; mountains cover the majority of its territory. The greatest peculiarity of out krai is the combination of northern plants, subtropical ones and the great variety of the animal world. As we climb down the mountains the nature is changing around us. The smallest deer are situated here, while in the next hall there are the biggest ones.
The brown bear is a big animal, about 500-600 kilos; it is as strong as the tiger. According to the data of 2008 there are about 300 tigers on the territory of Primorsky krai. The leopard is the fastest animal besides it can jump over 15 meters. Only about 30 leopards are left.
Решил потренироваться, дабы английский не ржавел. Вот ручной перевод:
In 1970s they also started installing show-pieces in this building, it was built in 1904 for Babintsev, a manager of “Churin & Co” company. A barbery, several shops and snack-bars were situated on the ground floor, a branch of a bank on the first floor and Babintsev’s apartment – on the second floor.
Our museum is named after Arseniev, a famous researcher and scientist. He was one of the first travelers to journey in our region. Later he has written about 40 scientific works about the people living here, their traditions and customs.
In this hall we are discussing the reclaiming of the Far East territories. Russians went eastward, their policy was based on peaceful coexistence with local tribes and nations. Russians taught them various crafts, developed trading, engaged in agriculture. The nations retained their culture and traditions.
Primorski Krai is a mostly mountainous land. Nature’s characteristic here is a combination of northern and subtropic (southern) plants and a big diversity of animals. As we descend from the mountains, so changes the nature around us. Here you can find the smallest deer, and in the next hall are the biggest ones.
Brown bear is a large animal. It weighs about 1300 pounds and is as strong as a tiger. There are about 300 tigers in Primorski Krai, according to 2008 data. Leopard is the fastest animal, it can jump over 40 feet in a second. There’s only about 30 leopards left.
In the 70 th years of the twentieth century and have become the exhibits in this building, it was built in 1904 for Babintseva, the manager (manager) trading firm «Churin Ko». On the first floor of the building were a hairdresser, shops, eateries. On the second floor - a branch of the bank, and the third - apartment Babintseva.
Our museum is named Arsenyev (named by?), Well-known researcher and scholar. It is the first of travelers passed through the territory of our region. Later, he wrote more than 40 scientific papers on the lives of people living here, their traditions and customs.
In this room we are talking about the development of the Far East. Russian went to the east, the basis of their policies - peaceful coexistence (peaceful?) With the tribes and peoples of those territories. Russian taught crafts, promote trade, were engaged in agriculture. Peoples to preserve their culture and traditions.
Primorsky region - a mountainous country, most - the mountains. The peculiarity of nature - a combination of the northern plants, subtropical plants (south) and a lot of (diversity) of animals. When descend from the mountains, changing the nature around them. Here are the smallest deer, and in the neighboring room - very large.
Brown bear - a large animal, 500 - 600 kg, such as strong as a tiger. Tigers in the territory of Primorsky region - about 300 according to the 2008. Leopard - the fastest animal, a second may jump by 15 meters. Leopards left around 30.
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In the 70s of the XX century they began to place the exhibit in this building, too. It had been built in 1904 for Babintsev, the manager of “Churin & Co” trading house. On the second floor there were a hairdressing salon; some shops and refreshment rooms. On the third floor there were a bank subsidiary, and the Babintsev’s apartments took the fourth floor.
Our museum was named after Arseniev, an outstanding scientist. He was the first traveler to explore the territory of our region. Later he wrote over 40 research papers about the life of the peoples, who live in this area and their customs and traditions.
In the room we'll speak about how the territory of the Far East was opened. The Russian people moved eastwards, the basis of the policy being peaceful co-existence with the tribes of these areas. The Russians taught the people some useful arts, developed the trade and were involved in farming.
The Primorye is a mountainous region, the most part of it being mountains. The special feature of the nature is the combination of northern and southern vegetation and a great variety of animals. When descending a mountain, one can see the nature change. Here are the smallest deer, and in the next room there are the hugest ones.
The brown bear is a huge animal, weighing 500 or 600 kg and as strong as the tiger. According to the 2008 statistics, there are about 300 species of tigers in the territory of the Premorye. The leopard is the fastest animal, its speed coming to 15 meters per second. There are about 30 species remaining.
In 70th years of XX century exhibits began to have and in this building; it was constructed in 1904 for Бабинцева, the manager (managing) trading firm « Чурин and To ». On a ground floor of a building there was a hairdressing saloon, shops, snackbars. On the second floor - branch of bank, and on the third - apartments Бабинцева.
Our museum carries name Арсеньева (named by?), the known researcher and the scientist. It(he) first of travellers has passed on territory of our edge(territory). Later it(he) has written more than 40 scientific works about life of people living here, their traditions and customs.
In this hall we speak about development of territory of the Far East. Russian went to the east, a basis of their policy(politics) - peaceful co-existence (peace life?) with tribes and peoples of these territories. Russian trained in crafts, developed trade, were engaged in an agriculture. Peoples kept the culture, traditions.
Primorski Krai - highland, the most part - mountains. Feature of a nature - a combination of northern plants, plants of subtropics (south) and is a lot of (variety) of animals. When we go down from mountains, the nature around varies also. The smallest deers, and in the next hall - the largest here settle down.
Brown bear - a large animal, 500 - 600 kg, same strong, as a tiger. Tigers in territory of Primorski Krai - about(near) 300 according to 2008. The leopard - the fastest animal, for one second can jump on 15 meters. Leopards remained about(near) 30.
лапонька, если хочешь качественный перевод - либо плати денежку, либо ищи лохов, который бесплатно тебе переведут, и потратят на тебя свое время, либо тех, кто выдаст тебе бездумный машинный перевод. удачи!
In 70-e years HH age exhibits started to dispose and in this building; it was built in 1904 for Babinceva, manager (controlling) of the trading company CHurin and To . On the street floors of the building were found barbershop, shops, закусочные. On втором floor branch of a bank, but on the one third apatments Babinceva.
Our museum carries the name Arsenieva ( named by?), the known researcher and scientist. He first from travellier passed on territory of our edge. Later he has written more than 40 scientific works about lifes of the people, живущих here, their tradition and custom.
In this common-room we speak the territory of the FAR EAST of mastering. Russian went on orient, base their politicians peace coexistence ( the peace life?) with племенами and folk these territory. Russian trained the craft, developed trade, concerned with the agricultures. Folk saved its culture, traditions.
The Seaside edge mountain country, big part mountains. The Particularity of the nature combination of the north plants, plants subtropics (the south) and much (the variety) animal. When come down with mountains, is changed and nature around. Here are situated the most small deer, but in nearby common-room the most large.
The Brown bear large animal, 500 600 kgs, such strong, as tiger. The Tiger on territory of the Seaside edge beside 300 as of 2008. The Leopard the most quick animal, for second can jump on 15 metres. The Leopard remained beside 30.
Помогите перевести на английский Очень нужно грамотно (хотя-бы так чтобы иностранцы не смеялись) перевести следующий текст: В 70-е годы ХХ века экспонаты стали располагать и в этом здании; оно было построено в 1904 году для Бабинцева, менеджера (управляющего) торговой фирмы «Чурин и Ко» . На первом этаже здания находились парикмахерская, магазины, закусочные. На втором этаже – филиал банка, а на третьем – апартаменты Бабинцева. Наш музей носит имя Арсеньева ( named by?), известного исследователя и ученого. Он первый из путешественников прошёл по территории нашего края. Позже он написал более 40 научных работ о жизни людей, живущих здесь, их традициях и обычаях. В этом зале мы говорим об освоении территории Дальнего Востока. Русские шли на восток, основа их политики – мирное сосуществование ( мирная жизнь? ) с племенами и народами этих территорий. Русские обучали ремёслам, развивали торговлю, занимались сельским хозяйством. Народы сохраняли свою культуру, традиции. Приморский край – горная страна, большая часть – горы. Особенность природы – сочетание северных растений, растений субтропиков (юга) и много (разнообразие) животных. Когда спускаемся с гор, меняется и природа вокруг. Здесь располагаются самые маленькие олени, а в соседнем зале – самые крупные. Бурый медведь – крупное животное, 500 – 600 кг, такой же сильный, как тигр. Тигров на территории Приморского края – около 300 по данным 2008 года. Леопард – самое быстрое животное, за секунду может прыгнуть на 15 метров. Леопардов осталось около 30. Можно не дословно, главное чтобы смысл сохранялся, буду чрезвычайно благодарен.. . Добавлено 22 минуты назад И пожалуйста, не надо предлагать машинных переводов.
Help translate into English
It must be robust (least so that foreigners are not laughing) to translate the following text:
In the 70 th years of the twentieth century and have become the exhibits in this building, it was built in 1904 for Babintseva, the manager (manager) trading firm «Churin Ko». On the first floor of the building were a hairdresser, shops, eateries. On the second floor - a branch of the bank, and the third - apartment Babintseva.
Our museum is named Arsenyev (named by?), Well-known researcher and scholar. It is the first of travelers passed through the territory of our region. Later, he wrote more than 40 scientific papers on the lives of people living here, their traditions and customs.
In this room we are talking about the development of the Far East. Russian went to the east, the basis of their policies - peaceful coexistence (peaceful?) With the tribes and peoples of those territories. Russian taught crafts, promote trade, were engaged in agriculture. Peoples to preserve their culture and traditions.
Primorsky region - a mountainous country, most - the mountains. The peculiarity of nature - a combination of the northern plants, subtropical plants (south) and a lot of (diversity) of animals. When descend from the mountains, changing the nature around them. Here are the smallest deer, and in the neighboring room - very large.
Brown bear - a large animal, 500 - 600 kg, such as strong as a tiger. Tigers in the territory of Primorsky region - about 300 according to the 2008. Leopard - the fastest animal, a second may jump by 15 meters. Leopards left around 30.
You can not literally, that the main point remains, would be extremely grateful ...
Posted 22 minutes ago
And please, do not offer machine translations.
а отметку за перевод тебе поставят?
In 70th years of the XX-th century exhibits began to have and in this building; it has been constructed in 1904 for Babintseva, the manager (managing director) of trading firm «Churin and To». On the building ground floor there was a hairdressing salon, shops, snackbars. On the second floor – bank branch, and on the third – apartments of Babintseva. Our museum bears Arsenyev's name (named by?), the known researcher and the scientist. It the first of travellers has passed on territory of our corner of the world. Later he has written more than 40 scientific works about a life of the people living here, their traditions and customs. In this hall we speak about development of territory of the Far East. Russian went east, a basis of their policy – peaceful co-existence (a peace life?) With tribes and the people of these territories. Russian trained in crafts, developed trade, were engaged in agriculture. The people kept the culture, traditions. Primorski Territory – highland, the most part – mountains. Feature of the nature – a combination of northern plants, plants of subtropics (south) and is a lot of (variety) of animals. When we go down from mountains, the nature around varies also. The smallest deer, and in the next hall – the largest here settle down. A brown bear – a large animal, 500 – 600 kg, same strong, as a tiger. Tigers in territory of Primorski Territory – nearby 300 according to 2008. The leopard – the fastest animal, for a second can jump on 15 metres. Leopards remains nearby 30.
In 70 years ХХ exhibits began to have centuries and in this building;
It was constructed in 1904 for Бабинцева, manager (controlling) trading company "
Чурин и Ко "
On first floor buildings were hairdresser's, shops, snackbars.
On first floor-
Branch of a bank, and on third-
Apatments of Бабинцева.
Our museum carries name Арсеньева (named By?
), Known researcher and scientific.
He passed first of travellers on territory of our edge.
He late wrote more 40 scientific works about human life, living here, their traditions and customs.
In this hall we speak about development of territory of far east.
Russian went in east, basis of them policy-
Peaceful co-existence (tranquil life?
) With tribes and peoples of these territories.
Russian trained to crafts, developed trade, farmed.
Peoples kept the culture, traditions.
Maritime territory-
Mining country, big part-
Feature of nature-
Combination of northern plants, plants of subtropic (south) and much (variety) animal.
We are when lowered from mountains, is changed and nature round.
The most little deer settle down here, and in next hall-
The most large.
Brown bear-
Big animal, 500-
600 kg, such strong as tiger.
Tigers on territory of maritime territory-
About 300 on data 2008 year.
The most fast animal, it can jump for second on 15 meters.
Leopards it remained about 30.
Этот медведь какой? Белый или чёрный? Вид, пожалуйста и местное название, если Вас не затруднит.
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Dancing Bears,
Painted Wings,
Things I almost remember.
And a song someone sings,
Что за "бер" лежит в берлоге?
Медведь был тотемным зверем многих славянских племен. Старорусское название медведя - Бер (отсюда