choose the correct word

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Помогите тест по английскому Грамматика ! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Anna Serova[гуру]
1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.1 I first started to play the guitar when I was sixteen, (since)I have been playing the guitar since I was sixteen.2 This is their first visit to the Greek islands, (never)They have never been to the Greek islands before.3 She arrived a few minutes ago. (just)She had just arrived.4 This is not our first time at a rock concert, (already)We have already been to a rock concert.5 I am still tidying my room, (finished)I haven’t finished tidying my room yet.6 He came to live here two years ago. (for)He had been living here for two years.7 She hasn't phoned her mother yet. (still)She hasn’t still phoned her mother8 I started this letter a week ago. (writing)I have been writing this letter for a week.9 The snow started this morning and it is still snowing, (been)It has been snowing since this morning.10 Tourists first started to visit Ibiza in the 60s. (coming)Tourists have been visiting Ibiza since the 1960s.2 GrammarChoose the correct word in these sentences.1 They have only just come back from holiday.2 She has been a teacher since the year 2000.3 They have already been to Mexico but want to go again.4 He still hasn't found his keys.5 I've never eaten goulash but I'd like to.6 Have you ever been lo a rock concert?7 She hasn't finished school yet.8 She's worked in the same tourist office for ten years.9 The group has been making records since 1980s. 10 I've just come home and I'm very tired.3 Error correctionRewrite these sentences correcting the mistakes.I How long have you lived in that flat?2 It has been raining for two days.3 I .have never seen a famous person.4 He still hasn't heard that record.5 They haven't finished their meal yet.6 I have been waiting for the train for over an hour7 How long has it been snowing?8 I have already seen that film.9 They have not done their homework yet.10 I'm sorry! How long have you been waiting for me?4 VocabularyComplete these sentences using an appropriate word in each space to make a compound noun.1 We're going on a package-holiday Our flight and accommodation are included in the price.2 Athens has a great night life. There are lots of bars and clubs.3 The Parthenon is a famous tourist- attraction.4 I read a newspaper every day to find out what is happening in the world.5 My sister went to a pop-concert last week to see her favourite band.6 My penfriend lives in London. I write to him every month.7 We visited New York last week and had a great double room.8 In New York you can see some very tall skyscrapers.9 In the wedding photo, my brother is standing behind me, in the background.10 In our school photo. I am in the front, in the foreground.5 VocabularyMarks:.Choose the correct word, А, В, С or D to complete1 At Heathrow we heard that the _____ wasdelayed..A flight 2 I prefer to travel _____ air because it's quicker D by3 The train to Victoria leaves from ._____ three. В platform 4 She didn't get a _____ ticket because shewasn't coming back. В return 5 How long does it take you to _____ yoursuitcase before a trip? С pack these sentences.6 If you don't hurry, we'll --------the plane. D miss

Ответ от Пользователь удален[новичек]
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Ответ от Simas Pocius[гуру]
Choose the correct word, А, В, С or D to complete ( Выбери правильное слово А, В, С или, чтобы заполнить пропуски)7 Ask the travel agent to make a reserve for you. Попроси турагента зарезервировать место для тебя.A book В reserve С booking D check in8 It's very windy up on the deck I'm going to На палубе очень ветренно, я буду (находиться) в своей каюте.stay in my cabin.A ship В boat С deck D platform9 We boarded the ship and set off for Mykonos. Мы поднялись на корабль и направились к острову МаконасА boarded В climbed С got D booked10 In the end, because I couldn't go on the trip, I В итоге мне пришлось отменить свой билет, потому что я не смог ехатьcanselled my ticket.A stopped В missed С lost D cancelledGrammarComplete these sentences using the correct past simple form of the verbs below.There is one verb which you do not need to use. Закончить предложения применяя глаголы в простом прошедшем времени. play be get say warn think deny wear put have like 1.10 When she was a teenager she liked pop music but she doesn't any more.3 GrammarWrite questions using the correct tense (present simple or present continuous) for these answers. Напиши вопросы к ответам.9. Do you know a meaning of this word ? I don't know what the word means. Look it up a dictionary.10. Do you like the Spice Girls ? No, I don't like the Spice Girls.

Ответ от Џрослава Мухортова[новичек]
choose the correst word(10 marks)

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Помогите тест по английскому Грамматика !
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Помогите с английским, пожалуйста :3
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2. They are writing in their journals now.
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4) thriller

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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот еще темы с похожими вопросами:
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Примерно воот так (если что сорри - я писала диплом всю ночь =D)
Часть 1 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.с 5.a
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Помогите плиз Английский язык!!!
Task 5. Choose the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Perfect).
When I WENT to Paris last

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