complete the following sentences

Автор ***** задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Complete the following и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Amateur[гуру]
If I were sixteen, I would go out a lot.
If I could travel every summer, I made many new friends ..
If I were depressed as you are, I would spend time with my friends
If you tried your chance, you might...
If he were invited to this party, it.would be great.(I would have a great time).
If I lived in New Zealand, I.would swim in Winter..
If they could speak all European languages, they booked a hotel themselves.

Ответ от Ириша[новичек]
Если бы мне было шестнадцать лет, я бы мог путешествовать каждое лето ...Если бы я был подавлен, как вы, я бы использовал ваш шанс, вы можете ...Если бы он предложил, чтобы эта партия, это ...то я бы жил в Новой Зеландии, И. ..Если бы они могли говорить на всех европейских языках, они ..

Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
Только чуть подправлю Amateur:-)
If I were sixteen, I would go out a lot.
If I could travel every summer, I WOULD MAKE A LOT OF new friends ..
If I were depressed as you are, I would spend time with my friends
If you tried your chance, you might WIN.
If he were invited to this party, it would be great.(I would have a great time).
If I lived in New Zealand, I would swim in winter.
If they could speak all European languages, they WOULD BOOK a hotel themselves.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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