did samantha apologize

Автор Fasdg fasdg задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Английский язык. Помоги, пожалуйста. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ѐусалочка[гуру]
1 for
2 to
3 from
4 of
5 about
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7 from
8 in
9 for
10 for

Ответ от Nadya F[гуру]
1) I apologize..for. being so late. 2) Ronald is used .to..working with different tools 3) We are tired of washing up ourselves. Can not we buy a dishwasher? 4) My tle brother is capable of running very fast. 5) We all dream .about..taking part in the coming dancing competition. 6) I'm sure the children are looking forward .to..travelling to the sea. 7) The noise in the next room prevented me from...learning the poem by heart. 8) I'm really happy that the school team succeeded .in..winning the competition. 9) The neighbour blamed the boys..for. breaking the window in cottage. 10) The tourists thanked their guide .for..helping them to do the city.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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