floor area перевод

Автор UniVerSe задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

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Ответ от Anna Serova[гуру]
Makhachkala is divided into three districts: Kirovsky, Sovetsky, and Leninsky. I live in Leninsky district in Engelsa Street. Our district is clean and green: there are a lot of blocks and supermarkets.
Engelsa Street is wide but not so long, it crosses small streets such as Hirzoeva, Agasieva, and Agronomnaya Streets. I live in a white block of flats on the third floor built in the 60s of the last century.

Ответ от Лёша Неважный[новичек]
In махачкала it is divided into three areas это: и Kirov, Soviet, lenin. I live in the Kirov area in the street энгельса. Our area pure with green. Here it is a lot of apartment houses, supermarkets. Street энгельса wide but not long. It пересекаеться with small streets, such as: хизроева, агасиева, агрономная. I live in the white five-floor house on the third floor constructed in 60года of 29 centuries

Ответ от Дана Рахимжанова[активный]
In махачкала it is divided into three areas это: и Kirov, Soviet, Lenin. I live in the Kirov area in the street энгельса. Our area pure about the green. Here it is a lot of apartment houses, supermarkets. Street энгельса wide but not the long. It пересекаеться with small streets, such as: хизроева, агасиева, агрономная. I live in the white five-floor house on the third floor constructed in 60года of 29 centuries

Ответ от Remmax[гуру]
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