give me to read please

Автор Dary stolz задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Помогите перевести с русского на английский и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от
1) There's nothing I can do.
2) no one wants to eat
3) if I can for you to do anything?
4) You can come to you on Sunday
5) Thursday-fifth day of the week
6) My younger sister is now 10 years old
7) I do not know how gotovorit in English. -Really?
8) Good afternoon, Mr. White .- What's up?-Can I talk to you, Mr. Stendford?, Yes, please.
9) what does that word mean?
10) Should I sign anything?-Lo, pozhaluysta.-where do I sign?-Here
11) Many of our students are working on farms in the autumn.
12) you know how to play the piano?
13) Can you give me something to read?
14) who works in room 4?
15), open the page 5 and read the text
16) on the ninth page, no pictures
17) in the room of our parents have someone?
18) My son knows by heart many English stihov.-really?
19) her daughter is shkolnitsa.-really?
20) I can give you this book.
21) Anya should arrive on Monday
22) our classes end in July
23) No one in our family does not work on Saturday

Ответ от Вероника[эксперт]
1) There's nothing I can do.
2) no one wants to eat
3) if I can for you to do anything?
4) You can come to you on Sunday
5) Thursday-fifth day of the week
6) My younger sister is now 10 years old
7) I do not know how gotovorit in English. -Really?
8) Good afternoon, Mr. White.- What's up?-Can I talk to you, Mr. Stendford?, Yes, please.
9) what does that word mean?
10) Should I sign anything?-Lo, pozhaluysta.-where do I sign?-Here
11) Many of our students are working in the autumn on the farm.
12) you know how to play the piano?
13) Can you give me something to read?
14) who works in room 4?
15), open the page 5 and read the text
16) on the ninth page, no pictures
17) in the room of our parents have someone?
18) My son knows by heart many English stihov.-really?
19) her daughter is a schoolgirl.- Really?
20) I can give you this book.
21) Anya should arrive on Monday
22) our classes end in July
23) No one in our family does not work on Saturday

Ответ от Robert Nurmsal[новичек]
1) There's nothing I can do.
2) no one wants to eat
3) if I can for you to do anything?
4) You can come to you on Sunday
5) Thursday-fifth day of the week
6) My younger sister is now 10 years old
7) I do not know how gotovorit in English. -Really?
8) Good afternoon, Mr. White .- What's up?-Can I talk to you, Mr. Stendford?, Yes, please.
9) what does that word mean?
10) Should I sign anything?-Lo, pozhaluysta.-where do I sign?-Here
11) Many of our students are working on farms in the autumn.
12) you know how to play the piano?
13) Can you give me something to read?
14) who works in room 4?
15), open the page 5 and read the text
16) on the ninth page, no pictures
17) in the room of our parents have someone?
18) My son knows by heart many English stihov.-really?
19) her daughter is shkolnitsa.-really?
20) I can give you this book.
21) Anya should arrive on Monday
22) our classes end in July
23) No one in our family does not work on Saturday

Ответ от Ольга Усикова[активный]
Ответы просто шик XD

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Помогите перевести с русского на английский

Когда писать any а когда some
Some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном

Почему some а не any?
Some/any – неопределенные местоимения, которые обозначают неизвестное (предположительно небольшое)
спросили в AM General
кто поможет с английским
Похоже, кроме меня некому: -) Объёмность задания (тем более, в дубляже) отпугивает - в следующий

Определенный и неопределенный артикли. Когда употребляется "a", а когда "the"?
Употребление артиклей.
В английском языке существует два вида артиклей:
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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Кто знает английский язык, Пожалуйста!!! Помогите первести текст.
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там есть форум для переводов, если

ПоМогите пожалуйста с Английским)
Контрольная работа № 4
Упражнение 1. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Go to the
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Помогите вставить предлоги в предложениях (английский)
1. He always asks FOR help
2. He\'s been waiting FOR us SINCE yesterday
3. Give this book

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