great patriotic war сочинение

Автор Женя шушарин задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Ѐома[активный]
Every year our country celebrates another peaceful spring, but the time frontline wounds and diseases relentless. Out of 100 winners were alive today only two. And this makes us sad statistics, all those who were born after the victory, with special respect, caring and attentive to each veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Each year, these days announced a moment of silence, three volleys sound military salute, and all of us at this moment thinking about his, and in fact - about the same: to mentally remember their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who on the battlefield gave their lives for the sake of victory for the sake of our lives and our future.
The memory of ancestors - not only historical, but also directly to members of our families - is the richness of our soul. After all, now that we lived and were just as we have many generations of people have created our society, making life as we see it. Yes, and in ourselves - a direct continuation of the moral, cultural and historical values ​​grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Sacred memory of the departed: "Under every gravestone - history of the world" - in the words of Heinrich Heine. The heroism of the soldiers of the Second World War ...We can not know all the names, but is in the name of the case? The fact that these people have accomplished, needs no comment.
Even without knowing the names we remember them with a kind word, and not by chance that the largest number of colors - witness people's memory and worship - is at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And the eternal flame burns, suggesting: "Your name is - is unknown, your feat - immortal!" They did not fight for their own welfare, have fought for the freedom of their homeland, fought for the independence of the people. And because they are immortal. After all, people alive for as long as remember him.
... This Victory Day
Smelled gunpowder.
This holiday
With graying at the temples.
It is a joy
With tears in his eyes ...
Hardly a person whose heart is not compressed to the sound of this famous song. A single person, a man who has a sensitive heart and living soul can not remain indifferent to this great day - Victory Day. In our life many holidays - bright, cheerful, festive, exciting, great, but none of them can compare to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.
It has long been this happy and exciting day in the history of our country, an outstanding day for all of our compatriots. More than 60 years have passed since the heroic time. We can now imagine how much it means to this day our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and we can not remain indifferent excited eyewitness accounts of those events - those few who survived to the present day. Many years have passed since the great victory of the Soviet troops over Nazi invaders, but now May 9 Many noted with honor and pride, accompanied by a grand rally and parade.
I'm sure to forget about the importance of this day can not be! In our family, cherish and transmit the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War. Our forefathers fought and survived to this happy in May 1945. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive, but preserved letters, memoirs, photographs, awards. When our grandparents with a special gleam in his eyes and sadly tell us about those days, showing the faded photos of past years, we vividly imagine the events as if they themselves participated in them, and imbued with pride for their country.
Our information about the heroic deeds of those years in the rear and at the front when the battle "is not for the glory, for the sake of life on earth" was everywhere, when the front line passed through the soul of each person significantly complement the wonderful works of literature, fine arts and film. After all, many of these works

Ответ от Илья Космачёв[новичек]
Victory day is the celebration of victory of the Soviet army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. Celebrated on 9 may each year. Victory Day is organized procession to the monument to the Unknown Soldier, a military parade in the hero cities, as well as the salute as a sign of victory. Non-working day throughout the CIS: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Georgia, Ukraine and partially recognized States of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.Introduced in 1945 to 1948 was a non-working day

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