Автор Mikhail Hlyostov задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
Hey, guys! or Hi, gays! и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Anna S.F.[гуру]
Haha, I suppose your question didn't refer to the "h" words...
I see some other thing over there, both start with a "g".
As concerns the issue we all know... I don't think they deserve they are spoken about. That's the whole idea about it, being not forgotten by our folks here. I think it's better to ignore the whole issue... That's what my mind tells me. My feeling tells me it's better if it all stops here. No rude messages any more, no hurt. Let them find better places to do their things. Probably the market is still there and there are enough people that could pick things up. In that case you might choose the worst option 😉
Anna Fokina
Me pones reir de nuevo usando las palabras como "mundologia". Eso me gusta, sique haciendolo. Cuidate.
Да по барабану! Все равно поймут, что не рубишь в английском. Они еще и не такое видели...
и хэйи хай можно.. а Hi, gays нужно.... первый вариант это пугало значит)
Just asking about FORM of address? Something from SIR(S) to ASSHOLE? Why?
It’s fine with me if you may not want to read the whole thing below. I think when you are over being angry, later on, your desire to use slang to insult sbd back will diminish. Really, when you do that, you are "sinking to his level," as we say when we are trying to resist that sort of behavior. It is natural to want to hurt back, but it doesn't solve anything - they will like it - and you will feel guilty later. At least, that's what I think.
And perhaps GRAND and INTELLECTUAL English suits more. Scorn hurts more.
My own opinion about swearing: it's not a moral "right and wrong" issue, it's about taking care of myself in the best way possible. There IS a difference
(You haven't read? It means I didn’t catch the issue- and it's the whole Nother problem)
Короче.... Объясняю для вас)) )
Guys - ребята, ну например вы говорите: Привет ребят!
Gays - в прямом смысле означает ГОМИКИ (геи) .
Кого как назвать - решать вам)) )
Только будьте осторожны))
Конечно лучше Hi, gays!))
Hey ho, let's go!
Как переводится "хэй гайс"
да, все правильно перевели.
Только раньше категорически можно было только к группе лиц мужского
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-How do you do
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Испанский Объясните разницу между Hay que, Tener que, Deber (все + infinitivo)
Hay que - нужно/надо (безличный оборот, без указания на конкретное лицо, кому это нужно) .
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