how do they celebrate christmas

Автор Asia Akhmedova задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от MrHate [Haters][гуру]
1) I'd like to know is there a fireplace in the house?
2) Please tell me whose christmas gift is it?
3) Does anybody know why do they...
4) Do you know do they celebrate chirstmas in india?
5) Tell me how old is the story of Santa
6) I don't know how do they make christmas cake.
7) I'd like to know is Christmas festival long?

Ответ от Golanders Stogniy[активный]
) I'd like to know is there a fireplace in the house?
2) Please tell me whose christmas gift is it?
3) Does anybody know why do they...
4) Do you know do they celebrate chirstmas in india?
5) Tell me how old is the story of Santa
6) I don't know how do they make christmas cake.
7) I'd like to know is Christmas festival long?

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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