internet how it affects us

Автор Василий задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Пчёлка[гуру]
We live in a multi-media society. How (1) DOES the Internet affect our lives?
It can be very helpful to people (2) WHO carefully choose website (3) WHICH they visit.
The Internet (4) CAN increate our knowlege of the outside world; there (5) IS much high-quality information that can help us understand many fields (6) TO study: science, medicine, the arts and so on. In (7) A global network you can find any information in (8) a few minutes. Otherwise, you would be in directories, libraries or over the phone (9) FOR a long time.
The Internet (10) HAS already revolutionized the way we live and work. But these are early days (11) OF the Internet. We don't know (12) IF it is still changing the world. The Internet is (13) AN up-to-date wonder. (14) AS the proverb says: "nothing seems wonderfull, once you get used to it", that is (15) WHY the Internet fails to astonish us any (16) MORE
В тексте, между прочим, есть опечатки! Например, "We lies"?! Должно быть: We live.

Ответ от Ёпамопомойка[новичек]

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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