интервью на английском языке со звездой текст

Автор Зухра Юсупова задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Галина Дедова[гуру]
Marina Klebnikov
Marina, you speak some foreign language?
-I will not original, saying that his whole life teaching English in school, college and university, the courses and with the teacher and, unfortunately, can not say that I am a master of English literature. Well, of course, English is very necessary, I travel a lot, often meet with people not speaking in Russian, and somehow not properly buckle and his eyes, shaking his head, saying "I do not understand," or in broken English beyond recognition, trying to the 50 words in one-time conversation.
-What did you learn the language?
-In high school I hardly progressed in knowledge, but in college I was just a terrific teacher. We put on stage productions, sang songs, stories and poems translated. Poetry is very difficult given, it is necessary to understand the image that the poet wanted to convey, transfer, and then rhyme is in Russian. It gave me the greatest pleasure. I still think that the Art-English - this is the most interesting and easy to let the knowledge of the language.
I teach English, when a mental hunger, when they want to promote a flywheel storage, force yourself to sit for the books, povypisyvat, twist the new words in my head, putting them in ingenious suggestions. For me, it exercises the mind, a kind of training, the ability to escape from their problems and have fun. My last lesson with the teacher coincided with the divorce, rather than experience, I filled my head the English phrases. Useful remedy for depression and suffering fools!
I am returning to teaching in the mean time in five years, taking the teacher and takes three to four months.
-How do you rate your level?
-I can easily communicate in the language if you do not delve into specialized topics. I watch the news and movies in English. What words and phrases do not understand, but the meaning and the story line did not lose.
-Has your practice language failures when you do not understand the language or lack thereof prevented in real life?
-There were, of course, there were proposals for a job where one of the requirements was knowing the language, but I was then a smallish level, and that's biting her elbows, what am I not taught until the opportunity! When I was a freshman school, with friends at a birthday party I met a guy, an Englishman, I was obviously pleased, but at that point I had a serious language barrier. So I well remember his sad eyes, he looked at me and said nothing, knowing that I still do not understand. A stupid and terribly hurtful situation.
-What advice would you give to those who study a foreign language?
-Write out the words in columns on a sheet of A4-and hang out at a place where a lot of time. I am a big fan of the bathroom, so here I always have time to repeat the new words. Not a bad place in the kitchen stove - prevents potatoes and teach yourself without straining. Great to watch movies with Russian subtitles. Listen to educational CDs in the car. By Moscow traffic jams, where you spend at least 5 hours a day, and you can learn Chinese. My niece has returned from America, went to work as a waitress in the summer for three months, but at the same time learn English. To get this level as it is now would have to splurge on teachers, and she looked and America, and the money is not lost. In general, communication with native speakers do not speak Russian - is ideal. English is loaded in the head, as a dedicated line.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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