The uk symbols
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Ответ от Ѐуслан Иванов[гуру]
Тут не надо знать инглиш, надо лишь уметь пользоваться гуглом.
Тут не надо знать инглиш, надо лишь уметь пользоваться гуглом.
Ответ от МУРАД АЛИЕВ[новичек]
Britain which is formally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the political unity of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
.It is located.on the British Isles
Its total area is about over 244 thousand square kilometres.
The coasts of the UK are washed by .12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and theAtlantic.
The scenery is the coastline
the capital of the uk is london....
The official language is English
The national symbols of the UK are the red roses and a lion and the white roses
Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy.
Officially the supreme legislative authority is the.Queen in Parliament
and the two Houses of Parliament .and the elected House of Commons.
But The Queen officially opens each Parliamentary session.
The three major parties are the conservative party, the new labour party, and the democratic liberal party....
The largest cities are.are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff
The chief river is Thames River
Britain's major industries includ iron and steel engineering
Britain which is formally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the political unity of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
.It is located.on the British Isles
Its total area is about over 244 thousand square kilometres.
The coasts of the UK are washed by .12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and theAtlantic.
The scenery is the coastline
the capital of the uk is london....
The official language is English
The national symbols of the UK are the red roses and a lion and the white roses
Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy.
Officially the supreme legislative authority is the.Queen in Parliament
and the two Houses of Parliament .and the elected House of Commons.
But The Queen officially opens each Parliamentary session.
The three major parties are the conservative party, the new labour party, and the democratic liberal party....
The largest cities are.are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff
The chief river is Thames River
Britain's major industries includ iron and steel engineering
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Очень нужна ваша помощь!!!(Те, кто знают англ.яз)
Есть такой легенький тест но только на 10 вопросов. Составляла сама к учебнику Кузовлева 8
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The Flag of the Kingdom of Great Britain was the royal banner known as the King's Colours. The
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National Emblems of the United Kingdom
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National Emblems of the United Kingdom
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Поиграем? С вас - названия групп, в которых есть цифры. Кто больше?
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1,5 кг отличного пюре
30 дней февраля