Автор Надя Половнева задал вопрос в разделе Образование за рубежом
сочинение на английском красная шапочка от своего лица и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Maleficus[активный]
When my 'dearest' mother told me that I must visit that old hag whom she calls a mother of hers, I could not help but notice how miserable it was for my mother to pretend that she cared about the crone. My unfortunate mother had even less feelings for my so-called grandmother than I had for her and kept some resemblance of daughterly compassion so that she would not be ostracised from the local community of similarly narrow-minded housewives whose company she enjoyed so much. Nevertheless, taking a two-week old loaf of bread, I went straight into the dark woods. Now, now there! When I say that the woods were dark, I do not mean that they were those damp and gloomy woods you used to imagine with that untrained imagination of yours. They were dark because of gray ash which covered all dead trees. That ash came from the local foundry which had been built by the son of a woodcutter. He even mused about his buisiness in natural minerals being extremely profitable and that he still payed due respects to his father's profession by butchering uncountable amounts of trees and burning them to feed his giant furnaces.
Ok, I can't keep that up. Anyways, it is an essay; so, you should be the person writing it, not me.
Где онлайн читать на английском книги?
1. Такие сайты никогда не будут хорошими и эффективными в изучении языка.
2. Потому что
Есть ли в Израиле Деды Морозы, как их называют?
Еврейский Дед Мороз приходит с кудрявой бородой, забирает у детей подарки и отдаёт стишки. Если он
Нужен перевод на русский стихотворения Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
Красная шапочка и волк.
Как только волк почувствовал. что голоден,
Он пошёл и
Пожалуйста, перевод напишите!
Уэльса и Шотландии у каждого есть национальный костюм, хотя нет английского. Валлийский