кто навестил вас вчера друзья моего сына

Автор Кейт задал вопрос в разделе Наука, Техника, Языки

Перевод на англ.яз!!!Кто навестил вас вчера Друзья моего сына и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от
UJhsjddhvlejb sgtng em,sranfgerlk ./sdaf, walkg asmg kas .nasdm gnj.ds knasM< njafm g,adnjbasm Fn.seaklgnasjgn,s f sdhmnkgwajiwjkgjawkmzsn gj sKgkAN GKwkgn.s j/sarn b/as jgasb jsAZNsdhta/wgawkgmsndjgasjgn ksjgzsnfjkgdhbj

Ответ от Мыслитель[гуру]
Если переводить только то, что мелким шрифтом, то вот:
We were very glad to see them. They have stayed at us till the evening. Where you were yesterday I went to cinema. You liked film yes, it is interesting film. It has very much liked me. When you send home? I have come home late and at once have laid down to sleep. We have read through the new text at a lesson the day before yesterday. Then the teacher asked to us questions, and we answered them. In which to hour you today had dinner I had dinner in three.

Ответ от ЀОМAН[гуру]
We were very glad to see them. They have stayed for us see you in the evening. Where you were yesterday I walked at cine. You liked film yes, it is interesting film. He has very much liked me. When you home? I have come home late and at once have laid down to sleep. We have read through the new text at a lesson the day before yesterday. Then the teacher asked to us problems, and we responded to them. In which one to hour you today had dinner I had dinner in three.

Ответ от Sq_deep[гуру]
Who visited you yesterday?
My son's friends did.
We were very happy to see them.
They stayed up to the evening.
Where were you yesterday?
I went to the cinema.
Did you like the movie?
Yes, it was an interesting movie.
I enjoyed it.
When did you return home?
I came home late and had gone to bed immediately.
We read a new text on the lesson the day before yesterday.
Then the teacher was asking questions and we were answering them.
At what time did you have your lunch today?
I had my lunch at three [o'clock].
Заметьте, пожалуйста следующее.
1. Я не переводчик, так что пятёрку не гарантирую.
2. Не хотелось бы критиковать другие ответы... Просто предупреждаю, что Roman Ledyshev вообще не знает английского. Clone98 лучше, ненамного.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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В самом произведении Пушкина кот не назван никак.
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