маленькие рассказы на русском языке

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помогите найти веселые или поучительные ооочень маленькие рассказы на англ. языке и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Sincerely Yours[мастер]
Согласна с кандидатурой Стивена Ликока (Stephen Leacock) О-о-о-чень коротенькие и о-о-о-чень забавные рассказики! Взять их можно здесь:
У О. Генри и Марка Твена некоторые рассказы вполне подходят под Ваше определение. Их произведения легко найти на сайте проекта Гутенберг:
Но ответить я решила, чтобы поделиться рассказиком Дугласа Адамса. Он так и называется "Short Story" и настолько короткий, что привожу его в ответе целиком:
Short Story
From Eagle and Boys World, February 27, 1965
"'London Transport Lost Property Office' - this is it," said Mr. Smith, looking in at the window. As he went in, he tripped over the little step and almost crashed through the glass door.
"That could be dangerous - I must remember it when I go out," he muttered.
"Can I help you?" asked the lost-property officer.
"Yes, I lost something on the 86 bus yesterday."
"Well, what was it you lost?" asked the officer.
"I'm afraid I can't remember," said Mr. Smith.
"Well, I can't help you, then," said the exasperated officer.
"Was anything found on the bus?" asked Mr. Smith.
"I'm afraid not, but can you remember anything about this thing?" said the officer, desperately trying to be helpful.
"Yes, I can remember that it was a very bad - whatever-it-was."
"Anything else?"
"Ah, yes, now I come to think of it, it was something like a sieve," said Mr. Smith, and he put his elbow on the highly-polished counter and rested his chin on his hands. Suddenly, his chin met the counter with a resounding crack. But before the officer could assist him up, Mr. Smith jumped triumphantly into the air.
"Thank you very much," he said.
"What for?" said the officer.
"I've found it," said Mr. Smith.
"Found what?"
"My memory!" said Mr. Smith, and he turned round, tripped over the step and smashed through the glass door!
D. N. Adams (12), Brentwood, Essex.
Надеюсь, что смогла помочь 🙂

Ответ от Гертруда Реген[гуру]

Ответ от Sven n[гуру]
это рассказы Ликока. маленькие и ироничные.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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