Поход в театр на английском языке
Автор Onegina задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания
Надо найти сочинение по английскому языку 170 слов на тему "Театр" или "Мой поход в театр". Помогите!!! :(( и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от EvaDonna[гуру]
I like to go to the theatre as it gives a lot of emotions and ethsetic enjoyment. There are different theatres: Opera and Ballet, Drama or Puppet theatres. Opera and ballet houses produce operas and ballets by classical and modern composers/ They are proud of their voices and prima balerinas/ Many people come to see this or that ballet or admire this or that balerina or her partner.Puppet theatres give performances with dolls or puppets/ They are aimed preferably for children/ Sometimes they perform for adults but it's really rare.I prefer to watch comedies in the Drama theatre.I always book tickets beforhand to be sure that I get the places I need/ I like to sit in the stalls to follow the nuances of the actors' play. I like comedies of the 18-20 th centuries because a lot of them are produced with historical costumes, they are witty and actors perform with temperament and pleasure.I wish everybody had an opportunity to visit theatres to their liking as good productions bring up thought and good feelings.Сама сочиняла, поэтому м. б. , и мало. можно описать свой визит в театр например.last month I went to the theatre/ It was the performance of The 12th night by Shakespeare. I liked it immensely/ The actors play produced a great impression on me. The decorations and costumes were superb. The main heroine demonstrated the wonders of characterization and alot of charm and humor.it was a great experience/
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Принципиально - ничем.
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