Автор Даша Федосеенко задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания
сочинение на тему my ideal school" и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Playboy[гуру]
My Ideal School My ideal school would be situated in the middle of a city so it is near to amenities such as shops, cinemas, theatres and museums. However the school would be so well funded it would buy all the land for five square kilometres around it. With this ground the school would create running tracks, football pitches, cricket grounds and facilities for every sport you could think of. There would also be an enormous park for the pupils and public to enjoy together. In this park would be shaded areas (so people would not get burned in the sunshine) and covered areas (to take cover while it is raining). There would be no fees but a bursary system that would allow children from any background to attend. Each classroom would be fitted with the most modern computers running the most up-to date programmes. Every classroom would be at least one
ну мы же не знаем, какая школа была бы идеальной для тебя, это твое личное мнение должно быть. напиши сначала на русском: подумай, что не устраивает тебя в школе и как бы ты хотела, чтобы было. небольшое, где-то на 1 лист. ну и перевести здесь же можно
"Школа моей мечты" сочинение на английском, пожалуйста!
I think that my school is the best one. I love it very much. Our teachers are kind and intelligent
сочинение по английскому языку на тему Идеальная школа на английском языке.
The ideal school is the one where you don\'t have to write various crap on shitty
my ideal school my ideal teacher my ideal pupil сочинение
по ideal teacher могу написать)
We also discuss our teachers and recently we have come
Пoмогите!!!Надо сочинение,до пятнецы,по Английскому...My home is my castle
My home is my castle
I think, every person always dreams about the place where he can
помогите написать сочинение на английском языке кем я хочу стать (я хочу стать учителем)
Меня с самого детства привлекала профессия учителя. Так хорошо было рассадить кукол и что-то им