n copernicus

Автор Ники Лапушка задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Nelly[гуру]
N. Copernicus was 1a... Polish scientist. He is sometimes called 2 the... father of 3the... modern astronomy. Copernicus showed that 4.the.. Earth isn't 5the... centre of 6the... universe, as 7-...people used to believe. Instead 8the... Earth and 9.the.. planets revolve around 10the... Sun. Copernicus also showed that 11the... Earth itself moves around each day. C. realized that 12.the.. centered universe theory wasn't supported by 13.-..actual movements of 14the... planets. He correctly showed that all 15.-..planets revolved around 16the... Sun. But he wrongly thought that all 17-...planets also move in 18-...small circles.
А у меня в пункте 5 - the.

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