Автор Vladimir задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
of the perpetually jaded как перевести? и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Nadejda Blagodarnaya[гуру]
1.постоянно пресьiтившийся;
Ответ от Vvb[новичек]
1. Gray areas aren't great arenas for pitched rhetorical battles, it's true. But the continual bombardment with what Solnit calls "the heavy artillery of grim confidence" and the "false omniscience" of the perpetually jaded just creates a lot of distracting noise and ill will.
- of the perpetually jaded - ?
2. As yet, mercifully not. Car Share on BBC1 was a perfect fit; not since Victoria Wood’s As Seen On TV have we seen dialogue – with its quips about Basra, cheeky Vimto, dogging and death by trolley stacking – that so tenderly represents the everyday working class status quo.
1. Gray areas aren't great arenas for pitched rhetorical battles, it's true. But the continual bombardment with what Solnit calls "the heavy artillery of grim confidence" and the "false omniscience" of the perpetually jaded just creates a lot of distracting noise and ill will.
- of the perpetually jaded - ?
2. As yet, mercifully not. Car Share on BBC1 was a perfect fit; not since Victoria Wood’s As Seen On TV have we seen dialogue – with its quips about Basra, cheeky Vimto, dogging and death by trolley stacking – that so tenderly represents the everyday working class status quo.
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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