правильное питание по английски

Правильное питание на английском языке

Автор Илья Добренков задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Где можно найти доклад на английском языке на тему "Правильное питание"? Очень нужно по учебе и получил лучший ответ

The Necessity of Proper Food Combining
The human stomach is a site of constant chemical activity. Digestion is largely a matter of chemical changes in the food eaten. These changes are instigated and carried out by enzymes secreted in the mouth, stomach and elsewhere. For their activities, these enzymes require suitable media. All of this makes it important that we exercise some care not to take into the stomach at the same time foods requiring different and incompatible media. The assertion recently widely publicized that the stomach cannot tell one food from another and digests one mixture of foods as well as it does another is not good chemistry; it is even worse physiology. Either the one who made it is grossly ignorant of the "facts of life," or has a poor regard for truth. Whether ignorant or dishonest, such an individual should not pose as an authority in the field of human nutrition and presume to advise millions about proper eating.
Different Food s Require Different Digestive Tasks
It is a fundamental fact in chemistry that alkalies and acids are opposites; that they neutralize each other. It is a fact in physiology that all starchy foods digest in an alkaline medium and the starch-splitting enzyme of the mouth (ptyalin or salivary amylase) is destroyed by acid, even a mild acid. Therefore, if acids are taken with starches, starch digestion is suspended. If breads or cereals or potatoes are eaten with berries or with citrus fruits, or with other acid-bearing foods, the digestion of these starches is delayed.
Eating Protein and Starches Together Begets Indigestion
It is a fact of physiology that proteins require an acid medium for their digestion in the stomach. When proteins are eaten, acid is secreted to enable the enzyme, pepsin, to begin the work of protein digestion. Now, it is not possible for two processes, that of starch digestion requiring an alkaline medium for its digestion, and that of protein digestion requiring an acid medium for its accomplishment, to both go on in the same stomach at the same time, with any great efficiency. The rising acidity of the stomach will neutralize the saliva, destroy the salivary amylase, and bring starch digestion to a halt. If no protein is taken with the starch, no acid is poured into the stomach and starch digestion proceeds on schedule.
A Fundamental Rule
The application of this fact of the physiology of digestion is plain: Eat starch foods at separate meals from acid foods and foods requiring acid in their digestion. This simply means, do not eat such foods as cereals, bread, potatoes, (sweet and Irish), parsnips, squash, beans, or other starchy foods with flesh, eggs, cheese, nuts, or other protein foods, and do not eat these starchy foods with berries, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, or other acid foods. There is enough oxalic acid in spinach to delay or suspend starch digestion.

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