Fahrenheit scale
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Кто может подсказать историю создания шкалы Фаренгейта? и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Cheery[гуру]
На шкале Фаренгейта точка таяния льда равна +32 °F, а точка кипения воды +212 °F (при нормальном атмосферном давлении) . При этом один градус Фаренгейта равен 1/180 разности этих температур. Диапазон 0°…+100° по шкале Фаренгейта примерно соответствует диапазону −18°…+38° по шкале Цельсия. Ноль на этой шкале определяется по температуре замерзания смеси воды, льда и нашатыря, а за 100 °F принята нормальная температура человеческого тела (однако Фаренгейт ошибся в последнем измерении: нормальная температура человеческого тела составляет 97,9 °F). По одной из версий за 100 градусов температурной шкалы Фаренгейт принял температуру тела своей жены, которая в момент измерения температуры была больна лихорадкой — именно этим и обусловлено смещение стоградусной точки на 2,1°F, а не погрешностью самого измерения.
ps: а чем это не "вразумительное" ?:)
Вот еще несколько:
Several stories have circulated regarding how Fahrenheit devised his scale. One is that he established 0° as the coldest temperature he could measure outdoors during the winter of 1708 to 1709 in Danzig (Gdańsk), Poland. This measurement and Fahrenheit's own body temperature, which he measured at 100°, were the two marks on which he based the rest of his scale. Many think that either his thermometer was off or he was running a fever that day, resulting in the relatively high reading on the bodily temperature. The scale was then divided into 12 separate segments, which were later divided into eight, creating a scale of 96 separate degrees.
In another story, Fahrenheit figured 0° by taking a measurement of the point at which equal parts of salt and ice mixed together melt. He then established 96° as the blood’s temperature. Yet another story holds that Fahrenheit co-opted Ole Rømer’s scale of temperature. With this scale, 7.5° is the freezing point of water. Fahrenheit multiplied this number to get rid of the fractions, and then refigured 32° as water’s freezing point, with 64 degrees separating the body’s temperature at 96°. He then marked degrees using six lines.
Some believe that Fahrenheit was a Freemason, and because there are 32 degrees of enlightenment, he chose to use 32 as the melting temperature of water. Degrees are also used as levels with the Freemasons, hence the use of the word on the scale. However, there is no documented evidence that Fahrenheit was a Freemason.
In yet another story, it is said that Fahrenheit believed that a person would freeze to death at 0° and would die of heat stroke at 100°. This created a scale of 0° to 100° that encompassed the range of livable temperatures. Another story states that Fahrenheit recorded the melting point of water, the boiling point and a human’s body temperature, and then put the melting and boiling points exactly 180 degrees apart. One far fetched story says that Fahrenheit observed the melting point of butter as 100° and set it accordingly.
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Фаренгейт подскажет)
Гданьский стеклодув Фаренгейт с 1709 г. изготовлял спиртовые термометры с постоянными точками. С 1714 г. он начал изготовлять ртутные термометры. Точку замерзания воды Фаренгейт принимал за 32 °, точку кипения воды – за 212 °. За нуль Фаренгейт принимал точку замерзания смеси воды, льда и нашатыря или поваренной соли.
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