суздаль на английском языке

Автор Никто Никак задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от HuKuToCKa[гуру]
Each country has its own holidays and festivals . In Russia we celebrate the New Year, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Victory Day and many other holidays . We have a strong tradition of celebrating Women\'s Day on March 8. On this day, women receive gifts, we were having a party, prepare special meals . If you go to your friends, do not forget the beautiful flowers for the mother of the family . A national holiday throughout the country is Victory Day, which we celebrate on May 9. In the morning we watch the parade on Red Square on television, and in the evening - a variety of fireworks, as well as presenting the outdoor concerts that take place in parks and main squares . In Russia many regional festivals, such as the Watermelon Day in Astrakhan, the day of cucumber in Suzdal. These days, various competitions are held, you can become a member and receive their prize. The most favorite holiday of children - the New Year. They decorate the Christmas tree, firecrackers exploded, let streamers, put on masks and costumes . Adults, too, love this holiday, smartly dressed, exchange gifts, take pictures . This is the most fun family holiday. The annual carnival on the island, very colorful spectacle . Residents of the island is holy keep to their traditions : to put on a carnival masks monsters dress up ( for costumes used everything from fruit to old furniture and dishes) and have fun.

Ответ от Лера Smail*[активный]
гугл переводчик в помощь!

Ответ от Danila shevtsov[новичек]

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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