текст про интернет

текст про интернет на английском

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ребят найдите кто нить или составьте текст про интернет на английском срочно надо .НЕ КИДАЙТЕ МЕНЯ. НЕ КИДАЙТЕ МЕНЯ и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ALEXANDRA[гуру]
1. The Internet: is it always safe? At present we cannot imagine our life without the Internet. The Internet is necessary for each person. It is an integral part of our life. All people use the Internet on different purposes: for dialogue, for searching the information, for work, for studying, for fun and entertainment. We search something with the help of the searching engine. I think that the most important problem of the Internet is the addiction of people to it. Some people surf the Internet for many days and forget about their relatives and real life. Nevertheless the Internet has many pluses. By means of the Internet it is possible to meet new friends, to communicate with them.You can find any information, learn main news. Meanwhile the Internet has minuses. These are viruses. And as I have already mentioned, it`s The Internet addiction, which breaks people`s life. Also sometimes the speed of the Internet is very low, so it`s impossible to use it in an effective way. As for me, the Internet is a dialogue, searching for various information. The Internet is very important and also it is a necessary thing. 2. The Internet: is it really safe? The Internet is not safe. But you can use different programs for safe using of the Internet. With the Internet it is easier to live. For example it can be a good source of information for school and for personal interests. Also it gives us dialogue with different people from different cities, but doing this you can sit in a convenient armchair. You can shop with the help of the Internet. It is possible to exchange and download any files in the Net. And at last it is possible to play computer games with other players. But there are some dangers. In the Internet people can break your computer in and make many bad tricks that will lead to bad mood. You can be deceived for some sum of money. The Internet is not safe but if you use an excellent antivirus program you will not have any problems. It is impossible to live now without the Internet. Different professionals are connected with the Internet. And in the end, the Internet facilitates our life and makes it easier and comfortable. The whole world uses the Internet! Join it!

Ответ от Kundyz [id158699035][гуру]
Internet (pronounced [internet]; English. Internet) - united worldwide system of computer networks, based on the use of IP routing and data packets. Internet forms a global information space, is the physical basis for the World Wide Web (World Wide Web (W

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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