the film is much spoken about

Автор Акаки й ваукин задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от
1.This film is spoken much
2.They laughed at the girl (здесь не уверена)
3.Jim will be spoken to
4.Your pat will be looked for (by somebody добавлять не обязательно)
5.Somebody will look through the papers
6.The magazine was sent for.
7.When will the article be sent?
8.You will look for the glasses everywhere.
Вроде бы)

Ответ от Ѝльвира Демянкова[гуру]
Оговорюсь, я не уверена в правильности ответов:
1) This film is much spoken about (переделать в Passive)
2) They laughed at the little girl (переделать в Active)
3) Jim will be spoken with them (переделать в Passive)
4) Your pet will be looked after by somebody ( В passive)
5) Somebody will look through the papers (В Active)
6) The magazine was brought to them (В Passive)
7) When will the article be looked through by you (В Passive)
8) They will look for the glasses everywhere (В Active)

Ответ от Nikita Nik[гуру]
1)People speak much about this film(переделать в Passive)
The fillm is spoken much about by people.
2)The little girl was laughed at(переделать в Active)
Someone laughed at the little girl.
3)They will spaek to Jim(переделать в Passive)
Jim will be spoken to by them
4)Somebody will look after your pet( В passive)
Your pet will be looked after by somebody.
5)The papers will be looked throuht(В Active)
Someone will look through the papers.
6)They sent for the magazine(В Passive)
The magazine was sent for by them.
7)When will you look through the article(В Passive)
When the article will be looked through by you?
8)The glasses will be looked for everywhere(В Active)
Someone will look for glasses everywhere.

Ответ от Елена Хлопенко[гуру]
This film is much spoken about.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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