the month was december

December is month of the year

Автор Vasilisa22 задал вопрос в разделе Образование

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Ответ от Пользователь удален[гуру]
1 Have you heard the last news? Anna has come back.
2. page 254 is the last in this book.
3. Where have you spent your last holiday? - we went to St.Petersburg last year.
4. This last book is very popular. and what is he writing now?
5. I have not got the last edition of this book.
6. "Adventures of Tom Soyer" is not the last novel of Mark Twain.
7. my brother is not into the latest fashion.
8. What film have you seen last? - I did not go to the cinema last month.
1/ она всегда одевается по последней моде.
2. во сколько отходит последний поезд?
3. декабрь - последний месяц года.
4. учитель рассказал нам о последних выборах в зтой стране.
5. мы прочли 2 книги в этом месяце - "алиса в строане чудес" и "Матильда. "
6. по-моему, последнее было интереснее.
7. эта поэма относится к его последним работам.

Ответ от Dark_Warrior[мастер]
1.Do you listen last news? Anne is come. 2.Page 254 - is last page in this book. 3. Wher you has spended you last holiday?

Ответ от Елена[гуру]
1. Have you heard the latest news? Ann has come
2. Page 254 is the last page in this book
3. When did you spend your last vacation? Last year I went to St Petersburg
4. His latest book is very popular. And what is he writing now?
5. I haven't got the latest edition of this book
в 6 - last, 7 - latest, 8 - last

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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