what season is it

What season is it now

Автор Valeri задал вопрос в разделе Образование

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Ответ от
It is autumn (fall) now. It is October. There are 30 days in September. Yes, it is. They are: September, October and November. It will be winter. They are: December, January and February. It is December. There are 31 ays in it.

Ответ от Ѝлла Кацнельбоген[гуру]
It's autumn now. It's October. There are thirty days in September. Yes, September is an autumn month. There are three autumn months - September, October and November. It will be winter after autumn. The winter months are December, January and February. The last month of the year is December. There are thirty-one day in December.

Ответ от Пользователь удален[новичек]
1it is autumn now.
2It is September now.
3There are 30 days in September.
4Yes it is
5September October and November
after autumn comes winter
December Januery and February
the last month of the year is December
it has 30 days

Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
You are just kidding!;-) Don't we have the 31-st of December?!?

Ответ от Simas Pocius[гуру]
самый верный ответ №2

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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