the oldest part of london is called

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Ответ от Екатерина Напалкова[гуру]
London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames. Its population is about 7 million people.
London consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End. The oldest part of London is called the City. It is small, but it is very important. Two thousand years ago a town was built here. For hundreds of years people lived and worked there, but now many of the old houses are gone. Thousands of the people come here every morning to work in large offices. To the east the large area called the East End. This is London’s poorest part, where people of all colours live. The very large riverside dorks in the East End make London one of the three largest parts in the world. To the west are the fine shops and theatres of the area known as the West End. This is part is best known to rich tourists. Oxford Street with its great department stores is the favorite street for shopping. In the West End there are beautiful parks too. The largest of all London’s parks is the Hyde Park. The Houses of Parliament are along the bank of the Thames and Parliament Square is one of many London squares. Some of them are small, others are large and busy, like Trafalgar Square.

Ответ от Анна Селиванова[гуру]
да... такими темпами вы английский никогда не выучите...

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