this house is very nice

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Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
8. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening.
If there had been some suger left, we wouldn't had to go to the shop late in the evening.
9. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad.
If this house weren't situated close to a chemical plant and the air around weren't so bad, it would be good for living, as this house is very nice and comfortable.
10. He is an excellent specialist, but I cannot ask his advice because I am not acquainted with him.
If I were acquainted with him, I could ask his advice, because he is an excellent specialist.
11. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache.
If you didn't have a toothache, you could enjoy this merry evening party.
12. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that's why you always make many mistakes.
If you weren't so absent-minded, you wouldn't make many mistakes, as you know the material well enough.
13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late.
If it weren't so late, we would go to see them.
14. Naturally she was angry, because you were in her way.
She wouldn't have been angry, if you hadn't been in her way.

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