tlistview delphi

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Как загрузить базу данных *.xls в компонент TListView (Delphi)? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ѐодион Казанин[гуру]
если известна структура, то в чем проблема?если структура неизвестна тогда ой!! !интересно что получит Вася не зная структуры файла?

Ответ от Василий Катаев[гуру]

Ответ от Ёнеговик[гуру]
{This example requires a TListView, a TImageList and a TComboBox. You will need to double click the image list and add several images to the image list prior to running the project. You can use *.bmp or *.ico files from the \Images\Icons directory. During the form’s OnCreate event handler, items for the List View control are created for each image in the Image List and the ImageIndex is assigned the number of the image within the ImageList. Two columns arecreated so that when ViewStyle is vsReport, you will have columns to view. Also within the form’s OnCreate event handler assign the ComboBox each of the four TViewStyle constants to the Items’ Objects property. You could also simply code this within a series of OnClick event handlers as, for instance, ListView1.->ViewStyle := vsIcon.}procedure TComboForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);var I: Integer; ListItem: TListItem; NewColumn: TListColumn;begin Col2Array[0]:= 'Documentation for Image0.'; Col2Array[1]:= 'Documentation for Image1.'; Col2Array[2]:= 'Documentation for Image2.'; // Create a ListView item for each image in the ImageList with ListView1 do begin SmallImages := ImageList1; LargeImages := ImageList1; for I := 0 to ImageList1.Count - 1 do begin ListItem := Items.Add; Listitem.Caption := 'Image' + IntToStr(I); ListItem.ImageIndex := I; Listitem.SubItems.Add(Col2Array); end; // Create two columns to show during viewing as vsReport NewColumn := Columns.Add; NewColumn.Caption := 'Column 1'; NewColumn.Width := 200; NewColumn := Columns.Add; NewColumn.Caption := 'Column 2'; NewColumn.Width := 200; // Add View styles and constants to the Combo Box ComboBox1.Items.AddObject('vsIcon', TObject(vsIcon)); ComboBox1.Items.AddObject('vsList', TObject(vsList)); ComboBox1.Items.AddObject('vsReport', TObject(vsReport)); ComboBox1.Items.AddObject( 'vsSmallIcon', TObject(vsSmallIcon)); // Display first item in the Combo Box ComboBox1.ItemIndex := 0; end;end;procedure TComboForm.ComboBox1Click(Sender: TObject);begin with ComboBox1 do ListView1.ViewStyle := TViewStyle(Items.Objects[ItemIndex]);end;

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