travelling by train advantages and disadvantages

Автор Inlovewithrain задал вопрос в разделе Образование

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Ответ от Лариса Богданцева (Виленская)[мастер]
Modern life is impossible without travelling. To understand how true it is you’ve got to go to a railway station, a sea or river port or to airport. There are hundreds of people hurrying to board a train, a ship or a plane.Before getting off you make your preparations. You visit your friends and settle all your business. On the eve of your departure you pack your things in a suitcase.As you know, there are different kinds of travelling: by air or by plane, by train, by sea, on foot. Each one is good in its own way. If you are in hurry you’d better travel by air. So, travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling. If you are on holiday and spend it by sea, you must go on a voyage. But some people can’t stand travelling by sea or by air. They get sea-sick or air-sick.Travelling by train or by car is slower than by plane.But it has its advantages. You can see the country you are going through.Different people prefer different kinds of travelling.You see, tastes differ.

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