Автор Анжела Брагина задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
Is being rich the only way of being successful? написать что то типа эссе и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Little witch[гуру]
Is being rich the only way of being successful? I do not completely agree with this statement.Earning money is not, and never has been, the only way to be successful. The greatest success in life is achieved by overcoming obstacles, facing fears and dealing with difficulties. Each small achievement in personal development should be seen as a step towards success. Personal success is gained by meeting challenges and overriding the hardships of life, so anyone who is disadvantaged can become a success. Poverty and debt can successfully be overcome without acquiring great wealth. Earning money is a necessity, but it is not the only way to success. Success is often associated with celebrity. Celebrities do earn a lot of money, but notoriety and being famous for the wrong reason should never be equated with success. When the goal is to become a millionaire, in building a career, starting in business or entering a profession, then success will depend on how much money is earned, but many people do not have that ambition to be immensely rich. Most people gain satisfaction from experiencing success when reaching career goals, by being innovative in business or from recognition of excellence in carrying out professional duties. The way to be successful is not necessarily about earning money in business or reaching the top in a profession or a career. Personal achievement and success in other matters can mean as much, if not more than money.
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