what does an architect do

What is the heart of moscow

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Ответ от Stanislawa[гуру]
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Ответ от Людмила Романова[гуру]
1.What river does Moscow stand on?
2.When was Moscow first mentioned in the chronicles?
3.What is the population of Moscow?
4.What is Moscow famous for?
5.What is the central and the most beautiful square in Moscow?
6.Where do parades,meetings and demonstrations take place?
7.Which cathedral is a masterpiece of Russian architecture?
8.What places of interest can tourists see in Red Square ?
9.What is the heart of Moscow?
10.Where can one see shining ruby stars?
11.Where is the clock that strikes every quarter of an hour?
12.Why does the Kremlin attract everybody's attention?
13.Where is the Alexander Garden situated?
14.Where can one see a lot of flowers, especially on Victory Day?
15.What theatres are there in Moscow?

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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