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Нужны 2 текста на английском языке примерно на 1000 знаков. помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!на любую тему и получил лучший ответ

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Ответ от Ўлия ))[гуру]
E-commerce - commerce conducted over the Internet, most often via the World Wide Web. E-commerce can apply to purchases made through the Web or to business-to-business activities such as inventory transfers. A customer can order items from a vendor's Web site, paying with a credit card (the customer enters account information via the computer) or with a previously established "cybercash" account. The transaction information is transmitted (usually by modem ) to a financial institution for payment clearance and to the vendor for order fulfillment. Personal and account information is kept confidential through the use of "secured transactions" that use encryption technology.
In an effort to further the development of e-commerce, the federal Electronic Signatures Act (2000) established uniform national standards for determining the circumstances under which contracts and notifications in electronic form are legally valid. Legal standards were also specified regarding the use of an electronic signature ("an electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record"), but the law did not specify technological standards for implementing the act. The act gave electronic signatures a legal standing similar to that of paper signatures, allowing contracts and other agreements, such as those establishing a loan or brokerage account, to be signed on line.
Once consumers' worries eased about on-line credit card purchases, e-commerce grew rapidly in the late 1990s. In 1998 on-line retail ("e-tail") sales were $7.2 billion, double the amount in 1997. On-line retail ordering represented 15% of nonstore sales (which included catalogs, television sales, and direct sales) in 1998, but this constituted only 1% of total retail revenues that year. Books are the most popular on-line product order—with over half of Web shoppers ordering books (one on-line bookseller, Amazon.com, which started in 1995, had revenues of $610 million in 1998)—followed by software, audio compact discs, and personal computers . Other on-line commerce includes trading of stocks, purchases of airline tickets and groceries, and participation in auctions.

Ответ от Hdfg[активный]
Books in our life
It is interesting to read different kind of books. “Except of a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! They teach us and open their hearts to us as brothers”, wrote Charles Kingsley, an English writer of the 19th century.
Books teach us to live. We learn many things by reading books. There different kinds of books: novels, short stories, tales, fairy-tales, fables, poems, plays, memoirs, atlases and text-books.
Book can be humorous, adventurous, detective, fantastic, historical, political, and scientific. They can be interesting, thrilling, fascinating, exciting, powerful, useful, unusual, original, amusing, moving, true-to-life, well well-written, unoriginal.
Books are certainly one of the greatest inventions of man.
O. Wilde wrote: “Books, I believe, may be divided into three groups:
obooks to read;
obooks to re-read;
obooks not to read at all.”
The third class is the most important. To tell people what to read is? As a rule, either useless or harmful. But to tell people what not to read is a very difficult matter.
Some English author once wrote: “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested ”.
This quotation tells us how to read books of different kinds. Most travel books are to be tasted: it’s enough to dip into them and read bits here and there. If you are fond of crime stories (Agatha Christie, Simenon and the rest of modern favourites), you will read them quickly, you’ll swallow them. If a book is on an important subject, and the subject you are interested in, you’ll want to chew and digest it. And you’ll want to weigh what the author says, and consider his ideas and arguments.
No doubt, books at home are a wonderful source of knowledge and pleasure, a cheap way to get information and entertainment. Some types of books should be in every home: dictionaries, an atlas of the world, with large clear maps and a good encyclopedia, where you can find information on any subject.
As an old saying goes, man cannot live on bread alone. Books are the source of knowledge and the means of self-perfection. Sometimes it is difficult to solve some problems in life. I think that books can help us. Books must be our friends during all our life.

Ответ от Ёветлана Костарева (Выльюрова)[новичек]
E - Commerce- Commerce conducted over the Internet, most often via the world wide web. E-Commerce can apply to purchases made over the Internet or business activities such as inventory transfers. The customer can order the goods from the supplier web site, paying with a credit card (the customer enters account information via the computer) or with the previously established "e-money" account. The transaction information is transmitted (usually by modem ) to a financial institution for processing and payment to the vendor for order fulfillment. Personal and account information is kept confidential through the use of "secured transactions" that use encryption technology.
In order to further development of e-Commerce, electronic signature Federal law (2000) established uniform National standards for determining the circumstances under which contracts and notifications in electronic form are legally valid. Legal standards were also specified regarding the use of electronic signature ("an electronic sound, symbol or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record"), but the law did not specify technological standards for implementing the Law. The act gave electronic signatures a legal standing similar to paper signatures, allowing contracts and other agreements such as those establishing a loan or brokerage account that can be signed on line.
Once consumers have eased concerns about online credit card purchases, e-Commerce grew rapidly in the late 1990-ies. In 1998 on-line retail ("e-tail") sales were $7.2 billion, twice more than in 1997. On-line retail ordering represented 15% of nonstore sales (which included catalogs, television sales and direct sales) in 1998, but this constituted only 1% of the total retail sales for that year. Books are the most popular on-line Product order—more than half of web shoppers ordering books (one on-line book, Amazon.com that began in 1995, received an income of $610 million in 1998)—followed by software, audio compact discs and personal computers . Other online Commerce includes trading of stocks purchase of air tickets and groceries, and participation in auctions.

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