what kind of newspaper is it

Автор YliaBelonog задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Ajan[гуру]
1.What kind of newspaper is it?
It is a tabloid weekly newspaper.
2.Do you buy it or borrow it from someone?
I buy it at the newsstand.
3.How reliable is the information in it?
The information isn't reliable, but it is very interesting.
4.What does the newspaper write about?
The newspaper writes about different stories from the life of different pop-stars.
5.Are there many photos and intriguing headlines in it?
I think there are more photos than texts.
6.What kind of people read it?
It is read by teenagers.
7.Why is it interesting for you?
It is interesting for me, because I like such kinf of topics.

Ответ от Sergey Dolgoff[мастер]

Ответ от Aliona st[активный]
Which newspaper are you talking about?

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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