what questions

Автор Максим Бочагов задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

The following answers were given by a candidate during an interview. What questions do you think were asked? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Alexander Alenitsyn[гуру]
1. Where are you from?
I'm from Scotland originally, from just outside Edinburgh.
2. Where did you find the information about our firm?
I saw the advertisement in the travel trade gazette.
3. Are you working somewhere now?
At the moment I'm working as a tour guide but it's only temporary.
4. Do you know Italy?
I lived in Rome for about two years.
5. Do you go back there sometimes?
I go back there two or three times a year if I can.
6. What kind of job would you get?
Any kind of job that allows me to use my skills.
7. Can you speak other languages?
Yes, Spanish and Italian fluently and I get by in German.
8. How soon do you wish to get a job?
As soon as possible.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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