who was at the door

Автор Крамущенко Екатерина задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите пожалуйста! Тут не сложно! Я не понимаю! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Алексей Киселёв[гуру]
I. When I called at his house, they TOLD me that he HAD LEFT an hour before. 2. When I came to the station, I DIDN'T find my friend there as I WAS five minutes late and the train HAD LEFT. 3. He WANTED to visit the place where he HAD LIVED in his childhood. 4. The telegram CAME some minutes after he HAD LEFT. 5. She LOOKED very tired as she HAD BEEN WORKING hard. 6. I RETURNED to the hotel only late at night as I HAD LOST my way in the fog. When I CAME up to my room, I SAW Pete who WAS STANDING at the door of the room. He WAS WAITING for me as he HAD LOST his key and could not get in. 7. When I WOKE up, it WAS already ten o'clock. I CALLED my brother. Nobody ANSWERED. He HAD already LEFT. 8. I WENT up to the open window. The rain HAD STOPPED and the sun WAS SHINING brightly. The birds in the garden WERE SINGING. The morning WAS fine. 9. When the rain STOPPED I LOOKED out of the window and SAW John who WAS STANDING under a tree waiting for me.

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