Автор Јпилька задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
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Ответ от Настасья[гуру]
So what is Julia Lambert? She is shrewd, vain, frivolous, not overly concerned with the difference between truth and lies, and rather vulgar on the inside; but even though we can see all her faults, there is a warmth and frankness about her character that makes her irresistible. Strangely enough, Maugham manages to bring her acting talent to life on the pages of the book. Julia beguiles us with her charm and vivacity as we see her beguile the people around her, and we can guess how beguiling she must be on stage.
In Tom, she doesn’t seem to seek her lost youth (‘If she were given the chance to go back again would she take it? No.. it was the power she felt in herself, her mastery over the medium, that thrilled her’) so much as the lost passion of youth. One gets the idea that Julia Lambert the actress may be stuck in a rut needs to be shaken up a bit; but will the feelings of Julia Lambert the woman do more harm than good? And so, the central relationship in the book turns out to be the one between art and life, a perennial Maugham theme. The real emotions take Julia by surprise, but at the same she is curiously detached from them. There is always something chilly about the heart of any true artist, as her teenaged son points out:
‘But where are you? If one stripped you of your exhibitionism, if one took your technique away from you, if one peeled you as one peels an onion of skin after skin of pretence and insincerity, of tags of old parts and shreds of faked emotions, would one come upon a soul at last?’
Как переводится на русский эта пословица: A friend in need is a friend to be avoided
A friend in need is a friend indeed. - Друг в беде есть настоящий друг. (Друзья познаются в беде.
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A friend in need is a friend indeed (перевод: друг в беде - настоящий друг, примерно равна нашей
Есть русская поговорка "Друзья познаются в беде" . Как она звучит в английском переводе?
A friend in need is a friend indeed, что дословно означает - Друг в беде есть настоящий
Добрый вечер всем. Вопрос людям знающим английский. Или тем кто может помочь.
1)A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.
Русский аналог: Худой мир лучше доброй
нужно сочинение по Английскому языку .. помогите .. оч надо !! =(
People often do say, a friend in need is a friend indeed and I do agree with that. We have many
Срочно нужна цитата или афоризм о дружбе или друзьях и т.п.!!
Associate with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation, for it is better to be alone
Помогите плизз с английским "6" класс.
1 When the cat is away the mice will play.
2 Where there is a will there is a way.
поговорки и пословицы о дружбе на английском языке
Радость, разделенная с другими, вдвойне приятна — Joys shared with others are more enjoyed
Что посоветуете прочитать из классики литературы, как зарубежной так и отечественной? ? (можно самые известные)
Эти книги мне показались лучшими из всего, что мне пока посчастливилось прочесть, здесь классика, в
Плиз помогите
персик, груша, цыпленок, яблоко, банан
Ты хочешь сказать, что ты не в состоянии убрать из
несколько пословиц и их значения напишите пожалуйста
Вот несколько разных народов:
1) Friend in need is a friend indeed - англ. Друг в нужде - друг
Помогите найти текс по английскому :"A Tragedy in the Air"
The plane had taken off from the air-field in London, and the journey to South Africa, to